Chapter 5

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Douma takes her farther from the main road. He might called her stupid for carelessly followed him but then again, Y/n is not a normal person, she's capable to foreseen things. The reason she wasn't hesitate followed him was probably because she knew he's not going to cause her any harm.

"Its beautiful right?" He asked when they arrived to his destination. An abandoned garden with supposed to be a pond and so many tree that could be very beautiful after winter.

Y/n didn't know how to respond, the pond is start to freeze and the tree covered with snow, not much for her preference. "If its not winter, I supposed it will turn beautifully."

Douma giggled and stop in front of the pond. "If its not winter then this tree will bloom in pink, its petals will scattered everywhere." When she's not even spare him a glance, the demon decide to walk closer to her. "The fish would happily swim inside this pond. Its too common, and dismiss the calm and solitary vibe."

"True. This place looks lonely and in grief, I have nothing to complain. But I think I'm agree with you, Douma san. For the 'too common' term, sometimes too lively ambience could be bored."

"Indeed. Who says the merrier the better anyway."

"Maybe someone who cant bare with loneliness."

"Are you talking about your life?" He teased when he find a chance to mess with her. He sneakily try to engage an eye contact with her again but the younger girl set her eyes on an inanimate objects, its like she's avoiding to look him in the eyes.

"Aren't you the one that indirectly admit it? Douma san" She shot him back, she slightly smile when she heard his chuckle.

Douma rest his back on the nearby tree, trying to not looking at her too much. Earlier, Douma is wandering with no aim, having no clue for tracking the Blue Spider Lilly's whereabout. He's been out from his temple for almost a week now, abandon his worshipper.

He's not too eager to find the flower but he think that at least he need to do a little research about it once in awhile.

He happened to see her by chance when he decide to go hunt. Though her feature slightly different since now she's grown up, Douma know that she is the psychic girl he met before.

"By the way, just call 'Douma' is fine you know, I'm not going to call you either by your last name or using honorific titles."

"Well, I don't think that appropriate. I can tell you are older than me. It would be rude to call you by name."

"Is that so?" He smiled when Y/n give him a nod. "Well, I can assure you that I really don't mind about that, it just a trivial thing."

"Trivial thing?"


"You're weird, do you know that?"

"The last time I check, yes." He earned Y/n's laugh this time, he's not sure which part that tickling her so much but he laugh with her anyway. She's not going to end up on his plate because this is the second time he lost the will to consume her, he convinced himself to spare her another day. Again.

"Ok, its getting pretty late now. I walk you home and I insist. I can tell you how uncomfortable you are before I bump into you."

Y/n wasn't answer him immediately like she's having a debate inside her head, whether she should let him walk her home or not. Slightly curious why she still avoid him, his playfulness and flirtatious side drive him to cupped her face, leaving the girl in shock and she's accidentally look into his eyes.

Now she cant take her eyes off him.

Douma happy with her mistake and let her stare at him as much as she wants, his curiosity is gone now but the need to gauge her eyes out is cross his mind. He could eat it or using it as his doorknob or something useful.

Sure he has the most breathtaking eyes in this whole universe and he proud of it, but that doesn't mean he cant praise someone's eyes. Especially if its belong to someone who can peek the future with its mysterious eyes.

"I am confused." He started, "Of all those people, I'm appalled by how you trying to not engage an eye contact with me." His finger softly trace her cheek, soothing her from the rapid beat inside her heart. But that's not going to work, not within the closed gap between them.

"I like your eyes too, I don't mind if you staring at me like that." He lets a lovely laugh.

She bow quickly to apologize to him which he welcomed by his laugh. "I'm sorry. I don't intend to do that."

Douma pat her head since she is so adorable, "Like I said. I don't mind if you do that." Douma let go of her face, he take her to the main road and let her lead the way.

After some time, he feel a small tug from his haori and he turn his head to her. "Whats wrong, Y/n?" His expression is soften and he smile.

Somehow she's taken aback by this side of him, he do looks so beautifully mature. "Why you have something engraved in your eyes? Its read Up.. Upper, wait, Upper Moon Two?" She try to remember and Douma stopped walking so she can read it better, he loves to see her expression when she's trying to read it. "I think I've heard it before." She said and think but nothing comes into her mind.

She swear she heard it before but she cant remember it when or where. Instead of having privilege to peek the future events, she was having a hard time with her forgetful side.

"Really? Is it not coming from your vision before?" He asked, he think it must be her vision mess with her memory. Douma wants to help her by sticking his finger inside her head like when he forget about something, but he might scare her away or even murder her. So, he think that it would be better if he withhold his intention and not trying to be so helpful this time.

"No, Douma. When I have a vision about our next meet, I cant see your eyes clearly but then it appear that you have that mark in your eyes." She explained, its been years but she remember that part.

"Oh, so that's why you try to avoid see me in the eyes?"

"Was it too obvious?" She cringed in regret and he nodded. "I believe that if I cant see it in my vision I think I really shouldn't having an eye contact with you. And since nothing happened then I guess I just exaggerated it." She sneered and this time Douma positively labeled her as the most adorable human.

He wants to keep her at one of his room but he doesn't want to take a risk to deal with the same thing like what happened between him and Kotoha before.

Douma drown in his thought, but that doesn't mean he regret his previous action nor mourned her.

Both of them keep walking until Y/n point out a big house in front of them. "That's my house, I live with my grandma and we have plenty rooms so if you want to rest there, I believe its fine."

Douma notice the wisteria crest engraved in front of the main gate. He laughed and shake his head, how he wish to say that he believe its not even fine for him to stay at The Wisteria House. "You are so kind Y/n, but I think I need to go now."

"Really? Are you sure? Its not save to travel at night." She warned, not even realize that this whole time, she's been walking side by side with an Upper Moon Demon. Douma know about this fact too, and he intend to hide his demonic status and will tell her later when he's bored with her or in any particular circumstance.

"Positive." .

"Be careful, ok?"

"Is it going to be 'see you later' or..."

"See you later." She smile widely.

Once the gate was closed, Douma take a route to his home sweet home. He think that she probably have a glimpse of their future events again, that's why she looks so happy even when she part with him. Douma wants to know how far he's going to let himself gamble with his life after knowing she lives in The Wisteria House. He could use her as a bait to lure hashira out, or getting some information about Demon Slayer Corps from her, or even simply toying her.

He shook his head for the last option, "No, no. Eating her sounds better than toying her around."

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