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Amira squeaked loudly as I placed kisses on every part of her face. "Babe, stop. I need to get ready," she let out over her laughter.

"Only if you give me all the kisses I want," I tell her sternly. She stares at me first before nodding her head, giving in.

I get off her and pull her up; I plop back down on the bed and pull her onto me so she is straddling me. Her eyes widen at my action, and I smirk.

"Here," I say, patting my lips, and she frowns slightly, "come on", I urge, gripping her waist tighter.

She puckers her lips and presses them against mine for a second, "there", she says, trying to hop off. I grip her tighter, and she tilts her head in disapproval.

"Let me show you how I want it," I say. She only stares blankly at me, and I press our lips together before biting her lip to access her mouth. She gasps, and I use that as an opportunity to plunge my tongue into her mouth.

Her body language suggests my actions take her aback, and I smirk slightly. Slowly, she begins to kiss back, and our tongues dance around melodiously. Soon enough, we pull away for air, we both gasp, and I flash her a toothy grin, and she smiles back.

I get lost in her eyes and run my hands through her messy dark hair, she cups my cheeks, and I stare back at her. Suddenly she presses our lips together again, and I smile into the kiss due to her boldness. Three kisses later, we were smiling at each other like loons.

"Oh my god, Akram, I have to get ready," she says, trying to get up.

I smile at her before connecting my palm with her ass cheek. The sound spreads throughout the room, and Amira pouts her lips.

"Akram, that hurt", she says, rubbing the spot, I let go of her, and she hops off and rushes to the bathroom.

I heard the water begin to run, and I could only imagine the sight of her as the water cascaded down her flawless body. I sighed at the thought, then lay back down and began to open emails on my phone. Before I knew it, Amira was out of the shower.

I raised my head to glimpse such a sight, her wet hair stuck to her back, and water droplets trickled down her long legs. She noticed and shy'd away from my gaze.

"I'll go get ready in my room", she mutters and starts to the door.

"Not so fast", I yell, jumping to my feet. I make my way over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She tenses. I walk her over to the mirror and place my chin on her head, I stare at our reflection and then drag my fingers gently down her bare arms, and she instantly gets goosebumps.

I love the effect I have on her.

"Why not get ready right here? I can get you everything you need," I tell her. She nods, and I smile. I rush to her room and grab the essentials I noticed her using before entering her closet.

It was a Saturday, and we were having a lazy day, so I picked out some track pants and planned on giving her one of my hoodies because she would look so cute. I set that aside and began my search for underwear. Finally, I pulled out two drawers filled with them.

One had regular underwear, while the other had lacy thongs and bras. I decided to mess with her and pick a red thong and a matching bra before grabbing the rest of the stuff and rushing back to my room. I drop them on the ottoman before searching for a hoodie from my closet.

"Akram, what is this?" She asks, shock written on her face. A smirk plays on my lips as I collect the piece of underwear from her.

I lift it and pretend to examine it, "I believe it's a thong," I say, staring at her.

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