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"I'm telling you, bro, your falling for her", Hud said while munching on a chocolate bar.

"I'm not", I corrected.

"Then why do you always talk about her and how great she is and how she can cook, how funny she is and how..."

" Okay, I get it," I said, cutting him off.

"But I'm not falling for her."

" Whatever you say, bro",  he said, raising his hands in surrender.

The past week with Amira has been fantastic. We learned much more about each other, shared many good memories, and had no arguments so far. Alhamdulillah. Today we both have to return to work, though I don't need to because I'm the boss. I woke up early because Hud was coming to pick me up. I didn't feel like driving.

Amira wasn't aware that I had left the house, and I felt terrible cause I knew she was going to worry about breakfast and all, but I honestly wasn't hungry, and I knew she would insist, so it's better this way. So the moment we reached the office, a message from Amira came in:

AM: Akram, I'm sorry for missing breakfast this morning. I set my alarm for eight o clock cause I go to work by 10.

I smiled before replying:

AK: It's okay, I'm not mad or anything, plus I wasn't hungry this morning, so it's okay.

She replied within a second:

AM: Tell me when you're returning so I can make you dinner or lunch. I get off by 4.

AK: 6-7ish. Thank you, best friend.

AM: You're welcome best friend.

"What's making you all happy," Hud said, trying to snatch my phone away. I scowled and backed away.

"You're falling deep," he said, chuckling as he plopped down on one of the couches in my office.

"I don't keep you around to annoy me", I joked. "Shouldn't you be at work? Why are you still here?"

He glared at me before directing his middle finger at me. I laughed and plopped down next to him.


After speaking to  Akram, I set my phone down and got to work. The day wasn't quite as long, and I didn't have to do much, so I was happy.

By 4:15, I was out of the hospital. I hopped into my car and drove home as fast as I could. I wanted to get everything ready for  Akram before he got back. 

When I got home, I rushed into the kitchen, boiling my rice and defrosting the chicken. Then, I hurried upstairs to freshen up. I took a hot shower before changing into shorts and a tank top. I went back into the kitchen And began to work on my food.

I made Chinese rice with peppered chicken and pink lemonade. I also made tarts for dessert. To say I was happy I made all of it before Akram returned was an understatement.

I called one of the maids brought during the week to set the table while I changed into blue lace Bubu. I loved it because it was big so I could move freely. Then, I performed wudhu and touched up my make-up before tying my scarf.

It was 6:40, so I presumed Akram would be back soon.  And indeed, I heard the gate opening minutes later. I warmed up the tarts and brought out the lemonade from the fridge. I was placing them on the table when the door creaked open.

The scent of his Versace oud invaded my nostrils. I smiled to myself and refused to turn. I pretended I was still arranging the food and hadn't seen him. 

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