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"What do you mean they've disappeared" I yell, striking the incompetent imbecile before me.

"I even went to the airport to try and see if they travelled somewhere, but there was no trace of them being there", he replies, cowering before me.

"And what about you?" I asked the other idiot I had hired to keep an eye out for Akram and Amira.

"The last time I saw them leaving the house was two days ago, sir. They went to her parent's house at 5:20 pm and returned home at around 9 pm, sir. Since that day, only a few cars have gone in and out of the house, but no sight of the couple," he reports.

I grab the glass on my desk and throw it into the wall, and it shatters. I watch Rabia and Simna flinch as the pieces land on the floor.

"Get out", I shout, and the men scurry out. I sink back into my chair and bury my head In my hands.

"Maybe this is a sign for us to stop," Simna says, and I whip my head in her direction.

" I'm not stopping until I get her back," I say venomously.

"Well, you guys can do It alone because I don't think I can carry the guilt of killing a child," she says, standing up from the chair.

Rabia holds her hand, stopping her from walking out of the office, "this is your chance to get him back," she says to her.

"No, Rabi, Akram was never mine, I stole him once, and we both know how that ended. I'm not about to do it again. I'll live with Abdul and try to make a life for myself other than just chasing someone's husband," simna replies.

"The girl ruined her life by herself. She decided on her own, so stop feeling guilty for it," Rabia says.

"The girl was our friend Rabi", Simna yells.

"You didn't think about that when you betrayed her", Rabi yells back.

"Yes, I wasn't, but now I am. I've grown, and I've realised my mistakes. I'm done causing people to hurt," simna responds, picking up her bag.

"You need to think about where you're life is heading and grow up. Until then, please don't consider me your friend or even someone you know," simna says as she exits the room.

Rabi huffs and falls back into the seat.

"I suppose you're out too?" I ask.

"She may not want him anymore, but I've longed for him since the first day I laid eyes on him", she replies.

"I am just getting started", she adds, and I smirk.

"I know someone who might have some information she says, getting up. I'll see what I can find and report back to you," she waves and makes her way out.

You think you have escaped Akram, but not for long because I'll make sure I find you and take your most valuable possession just like you took mine, I say out loud.


I stood by the door, waiting for Hud to enter the private terminal. I could see mama alighting the jet with Ruwaidah, his youngest sibling. I was so nervous I didn't even notice mama approaching me.

"Hudayya, my dear, you didn't have to stress yourself coming all the way here," she says as I bend down to greet her.

"Mama sannu da zuwa" I say.

"Yawwa," she says, holding my hand to pull me up.

"I hope the preparations are going smoothly, it must be so stressful planning a wedding in 3 weeks," she says, and I smile.

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