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Six years Later

"From what I've gathered throughout this 30-minute rant of yours, he said you couldn't go to the party, and that makes you upset because you don't understand why," Fatima asks Ailah.

"Yes, he's so annoying", she replies, stabbing a table knife into a cupcake.

Hudayya begins to laugh hysterically, pointing at Ailah.

"What the hell are you laughing at," she asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh, you've forgotten all the times you laughed at me for not being able to leave my house", Hudayya responds, mimicking her action.

She hisses and turns away.

"You guys are so childish," Amina says, shaking her head.

"speaking of childishness," Fatima says, pointing at the window.

We turn to look and find Aadil, Samir, Inayah, Munira and Munir covering each other in the mud.

Samir is Fatima and Ibrahim's baby, he's five, along with Munira and Munir, Amina's twins. Inayah, who is Hudayya's daughter, is the youngest of them, she was approaching 4. Aadil is now six and the leader of their tiny pack, he was at the scene of every crime.

Ailah and Jafar tied the knot 3 years back, and they're expecting their first in 6 months.

We all sigh and begin making our way to the backyard, we had a family barbecue today, so the girls had come over to mine to help set up. The kids were turning the house upside down, so we asked the nannies to take them out.

"Jumai, how can you let them do this," Amina asks her nanny.

"Wallahi aunty, they poured sand in our eyes and on our clothes", she responded, rubbing her eyes violently.

We then noticed all the nannies desperately trying to rub the sand out of their eyes. The kids were completely covered in mud. Their clothes were ruined, not to mention they had most likely blinded their nannies.

"Why would you guys do this" Fatima asks sternly.

Munira quickly points to Aadil, Samir and Munir.

I facepalmed, releasing a deep sigh.

"Aadil," Samir says and points at him.

"You guys shouldn't do things just because Aadil says you should," I say to them, and they nod.

"We'll clean up the girls while you take them to the guys," Fatima says.

"Tell them not to be too harsh," Amina says as they pick up the girls and head inside.

I call one of the drivers to take the nannies to a nearby clinic to check their eyes before turning to face them.

"Let's go," I say, gesturing for them to follow me.

I lead us into the house and up the stairs, we soon reach Akram's study, where he and the guys are, I gesture for Aadil to open the door, and he silently shakes his head. Akram spoils Aadil a lot, he gets him everything and anything he desires, but he's also very strict regarding his behaviour.

I was way softer than Akram, so I always let him handle things like this. I open the door and signal for them to go in, realising they have no choice, they slowly walk in, and I go in after them.

As soon as I shut the door, the guys paused their conversation and stared at them. I read their expressions and nearly released a laugh.

"I don't remember putting you in a brown shirt this morning," Akram says, eyeing Aadil.

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