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We arrived home from the airport around 2 pm, I was exhausted, so I crashed into bed, still fully dressed.

"Amira, you need to change out of these clothes", Akram said while trying to get me to sit up.

"No", I screeched and faced away from him.

"Suit yourself then," he said, waltzing into the toilet. I welcomed sleep as it came to me and snuggled up into the plush duvet.

By the time I woke up, it was already nighttime, and my body hurt from the uncomfortable clothes I had slept in.  Akram's side of the bed had dipped, meaning he had also slept. I took a nice hot shower before changing into shorts and an oversized tee. I was on my period, so I didn't have to worry about prayer.

I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed some bread and Nutella. We had no food, and the maids weren't returning till tomorrow.  After my mediocre dinner, I joined Akram in the living room, where he was engrossed in a season of cold cases.

I plopped down on the armchair and rubbed my slightly bruised neck.

"I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so,"  Akram says, smiling at me cheekily.

I flashed him a glare, and he quickly raised his hands in surrender. I smiled at him, and he returned the gesture.

"Did you have dinner?" I asked.

"Yes, I went out for food with the guys", he replies.

I whip my head from the tv and stare at him as my eyes water. He cocks his eyebrow at me before the realisation hits him.

"You went out for food without me", I yell, sobbing.

His face falls, and he only stares at me. I shake my head before running up the stairs and into my room. You all must think I'm mad for crying like this over food, but the food is my life, and I'm on my period, so my hormones are all over the place. After about two hours of full-on crying, binge-watching and eating snacks, I washed my face and decided to go and apologise to Akram for my tantrum.

"And just in time", came the velvety voice I've grown to love.

"Come to the kitchen", he beckoned.

"For what?" I asked, skipping into the kitchen.

A high-pitched squeak left my mouth as I gazed at the sight before me.

"You like?" he asked, grinning.

"I love", I reply, walking over to him.

He pulled me into his chest and rested his hands on my hips as I scanned through the counter filled with food.

"Akram, you didn't have to. I was overreacting earlier," I tell him while trying to stop myself from crying.

"Anything for you, wifey", he replies, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Let's eat and watch a movie", he suggests.

"Or we could dig in and cuddle", I suggest.

"Oh hell yes", he yells, grabbing a plate and stuffing it with food.

We got our food and raced to Akram's room, I cuddled into him as he put on the tv, and the large Netflix logo showed brightly on the large screen.

"Your pick", he says, handing me the remote.

"How about a good old fashion scare," I say, surfing through the horror movies.

I finally picked one. We snuggled into each other and began to watch. Throughout the 2 hour movie, we ate and fed each other occasionally, it finally ended, and Akram was already fast asleep. I cleaned up our mess and put the leftovers away before joining him in bed.

HIS (YOU series #1)Where stories live. Discover now