Bonus Chapter 4

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I rubbed my palms against my bump once more, hoping the repeated action would yield some inspiration. I stared at the screen before me and groaned loudly.

I was helping a friend draw up plans for the new house she and her husband were building. I had offered to do it to help them reduce costs, but it has been quite a while since I last put my architecture degree to good use.

Giving up, I closed the laptop. I'd been at this for quite a while and desperately needed a rest, so I shut my eyes and threw my head back into the chair.

Bukar's office was quiet and the right temperature for a nap, but the universe had other plans. The door swung open, and Munir rushed in, followed closely by Munira.

He ran into the corner by the large bookcase, and she chased after him. "Give it back," she yells, tugging at something he had in his hands.

"No!" He yelled back, tugging equally as hard. She gives up on jerking and resorts to pulling his hair. The object falls to the ground as he tries to free himself.

I sigh and get up.

"Let go of your brother's hair, moon," I say, approaching them.

"He started it," she yells.

"Did not," he yells back.

"Did too," she retorts.

Munir grips her braids tightly, and she screeches loudly. I cringe at the sound.

"That's enough, you two," I say, trying to sound as stern as possible, but their yells drown out my voice.

"What's the meaning of this?" Bukar asks as he steps into the room. Almost immediately, the twins let go of each other.

Their eyes widen at the sight of their father. He had an eyebrow raised, and his lips pressed together tightly. They were familiar with that look, and they knew not to make light of it.

He narrows his eyes at them," I expect an answer."

"Daddy, Munir snatched the last ice lolly from me," Munira whines. I look at the discarded ice lolly on the floor and rub my temple. All this hair-pulling was over an ice lolly?

"Is this true, Munir?" Bukar asks, and Munir quickly shakes his head.

"Dad, she has a cold and momma said we're not allowed to have cold things when we're sick, so I told her not to have it. But she refused, so I took it from her. I was running here to give it to momma," he clarifies.

Bukar looks at her and tilts his head. She pouts and glares at her twin. "Daddy, I've gotten a lot better. My nose isn't blocked anymore. I can have it."

"You want to have frozen treats whilst having a cold? What do you think gave you the cold in the first place?" Bukar asks.

She runs towards him and wraps her arms around him, "But daddy, Munir has been eating all the ice lollies. There will be none left for me by the time I recover," she whines.

"The fridge is never void of treats. You know that moon," he responds, patting her head. "Your brother was only looking out for you." Munir smiles widely.

"But, you shouldn't have snatched it. Next time call me or your mom to handle the situation, okay?" He asks Munir, and he nods.

He ushers him over and hugs him as well. "Apologise to each other," he instructs.

"I'm sorry, moon," Munir says.

"I'm sorry too," she responds.

"Great. Now go tell the driver to take you to your grandparents. I need peace," I say, ushering them out.

"Are you trying to get rid of us, momma? Do you want Dad all to yourself?" Munir asks.

I roll my eyes, "your father can go with you, too," I respond.

Bukar laughs and takes my hand, "Nope, I'm staying right here."

"We'll see you later, momma," Munira yells as they run down the hallway.

I walk over to the desk and plop back onto the seat whilst Bukar leans against the desk. "Can you imagine these kids? Didn't even say goodbye to their father," he says, making a face.

I giggle at his antics. "Why are you here?" I ask, and he gives me a horrified expression. "Don't misunderstand, babe. You're normally watching a game with the guys at this time."

"The season is over. Haven't you noticed I've been spending more time with you lately?"

"It's hard to notice because if you aren't watching a game or working, you're glued to my side. We spend so much time together that a slight change wouldn't occur to me. It's a miracle I noticed today," I respond, playing with his fingers.

He hums in response as he eyes my bump. "Crazy to think that by the time these twins will be able to chase each other around, the other set would think they're immature," he says, staring at my bump intently.

"You know what's even crazier? We have 11-year-old twins, and we're about to have another set. I can still remember the first day we met." I say, smiling at the memory.

He gives caresses my face, smiling softly with a whimsical look. "I also remember it as if it was yesterday. I would be a fool to forget a single detail about the day I first set my eyes on the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen."

"The soft glow of your skin under the moonlight, the soft pastel blue abaya that adorned your body, your gorgeous doe eyes. All of it is still so fresh in my mind."

I grinned as he recounted our first meeting. He had called me pretty that night, and I had never been so quick to give in to a man's charm. He had such a calming and gentle presence to him.

"It felt wild to agree to marry someone just three months into meeting. I think our parents thought we had lost it," I joked.

"But it felt right. Everything fell into place so easily. I was certain you were made for me, and I for you," I added.

He leaned over and kissed my temple, "I told you, you wouldn't regret it, didn't I?"

"You did," I respond.

"Life is so much sweeter with you in it. It's been that way since the day I laid eyes on you. You've given me more joy than you could fathom. I'll never stop loving you," he said, pecking my lips.

"Momma! You sent us away so you could have Daddy tell you how much he loves you!" Munira shouts, running into her dad's arms.

These kids! I was about to get more kisses!

"When did you two start eavesdropping?" I ask, my mood souring.

Munir intertwines our hands and gives me a cheeky grin. "We weren't eavesdropping, momma. We came back to tell Dad goodbye."

"But now we know how you guys met!" Munira yells excitedly.

"Tell us more, Dad," Munir urges.

"Go sit on the couch, and I'll tell you stories from when your mom and I were dating," Bukar says, and they run to the couch excitedly.

I grab his hand and narrow my eyes at him, "pick the stories wisely."

"Relax, babe. Of course, I'll keep the best ones to myself," he replies, winking.

"And don't think we're done after a measly peck. Clear your schedule for tonight," he adds, and I grin happily.

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