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Thursday, 2 pm

The week was passing in a blur. Akram still hadn't opened up more about his attack to me. But I've decided not to bring it up so I wouldn't make him uncomfortable. If he wanted to tell me, he definitely would.

Akram and I were attending his family reunion later today, but Akram isn't home yet. I was slicking my hair when I heard a knock at the door. "Karima," I yelled. She responded, and I asked her to answer the door.

Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Karima standing. I cocked my head sideways, a gesture for her to go on.

"Aunty, you have a guest downstairs", she informs me.

"I'll be down soon", I reply. I grabbed my navy blue hijab and put it on. I slid on my shoes before making my way down the stairs.

Arriving in the parlour, I noticed a figure on the chair, a girl, but I didn't know her. I wonder who she must be. I muttered a Salam to gain her attention, and she diverted her attention from Akram, and I's wedding portrait to me.

"Hi", she said unusually cheerfully.

"Hello," I replied sceptically.

"I'm Rabia," she said, walking over to me and extending her hand.

"Amira", I replied, shaking her hand briskly. I grimaced at her sweaty hand, but I don't think she noticed.

"I'm sorry for barging in unannounced it's just that Simna didn't mind me visiting anytime when she and Akram were together," she says.

"I returned from the UK two days ago, and When I heard AK was married, I assumed he married Simna. They were so cute and attached you wouldn't think they could ever live apart," She finished smiling.

"Well, some things just don't work out," I said, returning the smile.

"Yeah, they don't, but their relationship wasn't just something", she adds. "Their love was pure and real, and yours was arranged. No offence though, Amira", she responds.

"Well, I need to go back up and get ready, so you should probably be on your way," I said with clenched fists.

She grabbed her bag and flashed me one last smile before walking out the door.

"Karima" I yelled, beckoning her into the room.

"Lock my house," I say, stomping up the stairs.

I got back into my room and ripped my hijab off. I stomped my feet and took heavy breaths to calm myself. Then, finally finding some peace of mind, I went on with getting ready.

Just as I finished zipping up my fitted gown, Akram waltzed into the room dressed in a crisp light blue kaftan with a matching Zanna bukar cap and black Valentino sandals. I gave him a sideways glance before walking back into my closet to choose a pair of shoes and a bag.

Walking back into the room, I found Akram sprawled across the bed using his phone. It was hard not to crack a smile. I was shoving things into my bag when hands wrapped around my waist.

"I was outside for ten minutes because the house was locked, and I had forgotten my key," he says. I keep a blank face and don't respond.

"Are you ignoring me, Amira?" he asked, his mouth dangerously close to my neck.

I sucked in a breath and just let it out. "Rabia came to visit today".

I felt his body tense against mine, but I decided to continue. "She thought you got married to Simna. That's why she came unannounced".

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