Bonus Chapter 3

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Hi guys. These bonus stories are just for fun. They in no way add any substance to the original plot. I just thought it'd be nice to see how their lives progressed. Also, do you want Hud/Hudayya's and Amina/Bukar's stories? It'll be something short, just like the previous chapter on Ailah/Jafar. Obviously, Fatima/Ibrahim won't be getting one because there is a whole book. READ IT.


I walked as quickly as my feet would allow as I rushed out of the house with Aalam running behind me. "Aadil," I yell out, walking over to the car. He hurriedly pushes Munir into the car and tries to get in.

I sigh. "Don't even try that," I say, and he groans, hopping out.

"But Dad! We're going to be late," he whines.

I glare at him, "How many times have I told you not to leave this house without your inhaler." He straightens up at my stern tone.

"Ya Aadil, I wanna go with you," Aalam says, attempting to get into the car.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Aalam? You're too young!" He replies, taking the inhaler out of my hand.

Aalam pouts and turns to me, "Dad, I want to go play football too." I pick him up and pat his back. All he wanted to do was follow his older brothers around, but they'd never let him.

"You can come when you're older," Samir says, poking his head out of the car. Amira wouldn't let him go also. She worried the kids twice his size played too roughly.

"Yeah. Go play with Maya for now," Munir adds.

"Do you all have your knee pads?" I ask them, and they nod. "Be careful, okay? Your mothers won't let you play anymore if you get hurt."

Bukar finally emerges from his house and walks to the car. "Are you guys ready to go?" He asks the boys. They yell "Yes" in unison, and he hops into the driver's seat.

They drive out whilst I try to soothe a crying Aalam. He thrashes around in my arms, yelling violently. I rush over to Ibrahim's house to find Amira.

"Babe, we have a problem," I say as I enter the living room. Her face floods with worry as I hand Aalam to her.

Munira runs over to Amira and takes Aalam's hand. "You can come to badminton with us," she says as she hugs him.

"Yeah, we won't leave you behind," Inayah adds, joining the hug.

Fatima grabs her phone and takes a few pictures. "This is so cute." Amina seconds her opinion by squealing loudly.

"My heart is filling with joy just watching them," Amira says.

Aalam had long forgotten about football as he played with the girls. So I left him with them and headed to Jafar's. The guys were over there watching a game.

"Did Samir also go out?" Ibrahim asks as I sit down. I nod, and he grinds his teeth.

"He's supposed to be grounded, right?" Hud asks.

Jafar chuckles at Ibrahim's angry expression, "You cannot ground those children. Their mothers won't let you."

He was right. Their mothers were still too soft on them. Aadil is eleven years old, and his mother still cannot say no to him.

We watched the game while texting Bukar updates since he would be with the kids all afternoon.


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