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Beep beep beep...

The sound reminded me of the annoying alarm clock my dad insisted I had in secondary school. Begrudgingly I opened my eyes but quickly snapped them shut. I slowly opened them again to adjust to the bright lighting.

I scanned the room, the walls were plain white, and the windows were covered in simple blue curtains—a couch across the room and a prayer mat spread by the side. Baskets of food and drinks sat adjacent to the sofa, I was covered in a blue paper gown, and IVs were attached to my hand. Then I remembered how I had collapsed, and Aunty Adama must have rushed me to the hospital.

I noticed my phone on the table and hopped off the bed to get it, pushing the IV stand as I carefully walked over. Grabbing the phone, I plopped on the couch and grazed over the missed calls. I decided to call my dad first, but he didn't pick up, so I dialled Ammi's number. She picked up on the third ring.

Me: hello ammi

Ammi: Why wouldn't you inform anyone of your state, you could have lost the baby, and we could have lost you. What if Adama didn't show up when she did? I expected you to be smarter than this, Amira. Akram being in a coma doesn't mean the end of the world. Imagine the pain we would have gone through losing both of you. Imagine the pain he would go through when he wakes and finds out his child and wife are gone.

By now, my face was swollen and soaked with tears.

Me: I'm sorry, Ammi.

Unable to speak, I kept mum and continued crying silently.

Ammi: Haba, don't cry now, you both are alive, and okay, that's all that matters. Don't do anything like that again. Adama informed me that you'll be discharged later today. I expect you to follow her to her house and stay there until I return three days from now. Eat loads, gain weight, and take all your medicine and vitamins.

Me: okay Ammi I will InshaAllah.

She passes the phone to Baba, and he wishes me a speedy recovery and asks me to take care of myself and his grandchild. He gave the phone back to Ammi, and we said our goodbyes. I called my grandma, who also scolded me and directed me to care for myself before she returned.

Aunty inthi yelled throughout the phone and threatened to fly me out to Yemen so she could be with me 24/7. Ailah and Hudayya just kept gushing about their nephew. They had already concluded that it was a boy. Fatima was so excited she had already started shopping for baby stuff. She went for the unisex ones, though.

Ya Sarah showed me what she had prepared and started sharing tips on dealing with morning sickness and cravings.

I face-timed Amina last so we could talk the longest.

Amina: babeeeeeeeee
Me: heyy
Amina: So you're having someone else's baby?
Me: I could have kids for a hundred guys, but my love for you would still be on a hundred
Amina: *laughs* babe, I'm so happy for you. When are you returning home so I can visit, or can you come and stay with me now?
Me: I'll be going to Aunty Adama's later today, and how can I come and interrupt the newlyweds?
Amina: Toh, I'll come and stay the entire day tomorrow. We'll eat, prank call old uni friends, gist, the usual.
Me: can't wait

We talked for about 40 more minutes before she cut the call cause her hubby needed her. I relax into the chair as Aunty Adama walks in.

"My darling", she coos, coming over.

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