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This lady probably hates my guts, I think to myself while driving like a lunatic. I finally make it to my house and zoom in. I get out of the car and rush into the house.

I greet Karima as I pass her in the corridor, I mutter a Salam as I enter the living room. The lady replies and gets up, she offers her hand for me to shake, and I do so.

She's light-skinned and short with huge doe eyes. An adorable girl MashaAllah.

"I'm Safina," she says.

" Amira", I reply, taking a seat.

"So I brought a book so you can choose a colour scheme and another for the furniture".

She passes the books, and I begin to scan through the pages.

"I want something gender-neutral," I say.

"So I think this blue-grey colour will do," I told her, pointing to it.

"Any designs," she asks.

" Yes, I think some clouds and stars, maybe", I answer.

"Perfect," she says, writing it down, "now for the furniture", she says, passing the book.

I began to flip through the pages when my stomach released a loud growl.

"Just a few more minutes, baby," I say, rubbing my bump.

"Oh, you're pregnant," she asks.

"Oh my god, that was so foolish of me. Of course, you're pregnant, she adds quickly.

I laughed at how silly she was.

"How long are you, she asks, five months in a week", I reply, smiling.

"The dad is letting you decide on your own?" she asks.

"Something like that", I answer.

My mind wanders to the time I spent with Akram yesterday.

I snacked while telling him funny stories and what I'd been up to. I also filled him in on the baby's progress.

"Have you decided?" she asks, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Oh, yeah, this one", I tell her, pointing to a white crib big enough for 3.

"And the dressers, too?" she asks, crouching over to scan the crib.

"Yes," I replied, handing over the book.

"Do you mind if I see the space?" she asks.

"Not at all. I'll ask Karima to help you. It's hard for me to get up the stairs now," I say.

She nods in understanding, and I call out for Karima, she shows her the room closest to Akram's, and we exchange goodbyes before she heads out.

I make my way to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat, but there is nothing because I haven't been in the house for months.

" I can quickly make something," Karima says.

"That would be great", I reply and stroll into a spare bedroom downstairs to rest.

I take off my abaya, and I'm left in the oversized sweats and Akram's shirt that I was wearing. On average, the shirt would be loose, but it was tight because of my weight and bump.

I admired my growing bump, which you could see through my shirt. I can't wait for you to meet your daddy, he's going to love you so much, and he's going to spoil you rotten.

HIS (YOU series #1)Where stories live. Discover now