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"In my opinion, that one is more elegant," I yell into the phone since ya Sarah and Ailah were arguing loudly over which curtain would look better in Hudayya's main parlour.

"My exact thought," Amina said, switching back to the front camera.

"Fine, let's go with the velvet blue", Ya Sarah says, giving up on the fight.

"So, how are your home birth preparations," Amina asks, eager to hear the details of what everyone thinks is outrageous.

"It's going exactly as we planned", I respond.

"We? I think you mean you," Akram says, and I smack his arm lightly, but he still feigns hurt, and I scoff.

"We have the doula on speed dial, and the midwife is moving in a week to my due date, which is basically in a few days, I add".

"I can't wait to meet him," she says sadly.

"Don't be sad, baby. One year will pass in a blur, or better yet, if Salim is caught, we'll see each other even earlier," I tell her in an attempt to comfort her.

She smiles a little and tells me about the puppy Bukar got her.

I wrapped up the phone call and slumped back into the couch, I've been restricted to the sofa and bed these last few days of my pregnancy.

"I wish I could see everyone," I sigh. Akram squeezes my arm and places a chaste kiss on my forehead.

"It's for the best, my love' he says, I know, and I'm trying my best to be strong, but all these emotions, can we even handle a baby by ourselves," I ask.

"We may not know exactly what to do at first, but we'll figure it out, I'll do my best to take care of the both of you, I'll read all the parenting books I can get my hands on, I'll help change diapers and give baths, I can't exactly help you feed him, but I'll do my part and more" he replies.

I giggle at the last part and smile up at him.

"You're the best," I say, "I know", he replies with a grin.

"I'll let you have this one 'cause I'm sleepy," I say.

"We just started watching", he whines.

"Blame your kid", I respond, closing my eyes, and he huffs.


I pant heavily as I drop Amira on the bed. When did she get so heavy, I thought.

"Maybe when she got pregnant", my subconscious replied in a sarcastic tone. I tucked her in and was about to climb onto the other side when my phone began to ring, I glanced at the caller ID before pressing my phone to my ear.

Me: what's up?

I: I have Rabia in custody.

Me: what for?

I: she threatened Fatima for your location, I had my Men apprehend her while she was attempting to buy cocaine from some guy at wuse.

Me: so what happens now?

I: I'm going to try my best to get some information out of her, Salim once had a case of money laundering against him that was dismissed for lack of evidence. Hopefully, she tells the police something helpful that will lead to his arrest, if not, I'll bend the rules and have him deployed for some years.

Me: I'm sorry Fatima is being reminded of a life she wants to leave behind, I'm even more apologetic; I'm making you do this.

I: Cut that sorry crap, bro, you're my blood. Anyone that has it out for you, Amira, or the baby has it out for you and the entire family. So don't worry about what we're doing to protect you.

Me: Love you, bro!

I: Love you too!

He informed me about trying for a kid and what the fam has been up to, although I'd heard about some things from my daily 1-hour call with Ammi. Eventually, we ended the call because Fatima needed him. I sighed and rejoiced at the thought of getting rid of Salim until the baby had grown a bit since the minimum sentence was seven years.

I offer ten raka'ats and pray to Allah to protect Amira and our baby and to help us escape this mess, I also thank him for his amazing and supportive family and friends. I take a shower, patrol the house once more and make sure all doors are locked before going to bed next to my most prized possession.


I held Fatima's hand tightly as we watched Rabia be interrogated, she had denied knowing anything about Salim and claimed she wanted Akram's location for personal reasons. They hadn't informed her about her impending drug charge yet, so we still had the upper hand, it was getting close to 5:30, and I didn't want to leave Fatima, but I also didn't want to upset Hud.

I kept glancing at my phone now and then to keep track of time,

"You should go", Fatima whispered, "I don't want to leave you", I replied. "Don't worry, I'm here to take over the shift," Ailah says as she enters the room.

I give them both hugs and rush out, the girls have been so helpful these past few days that I've been technically grounded, they always came over to discuss the wedding preparations and made sure I got back in time whenever I was out.

I got into the backseat and released a sigh of relief, I'll make it back in time so that annoying guy at the gate won't implicate me.

Hud had everyone working at his house keeping an eye on me, it's pretty embarrassing. It made me feel like a delinquent kid, and although I'm not far off, I giggle at the realisation.

I got home in record time, "5:57 ". I rushed into the house and up the stairs into the room, I ripped the scarf off my head and took off my abaya.

I plopped onto the bed to catch my breath, I had been at the station since 1 pm, and I hoped they finally got a confession or anything that would help get rid of that idiot.

I face palmed myself as I remembered that I hadn't prayed asr and zuhr, I groaned and made my way to the bathroom and performed wudhu.

Stepping out, I was met with a familiar scent, I tensed at the sight of Hud, I was still walking on thin ice with him, and we hadn't seen or spoken a word to each other since that day, it's been eight days.

I only texted him about going out today, to which he responded with an "ok". He was manspreading with his eyes closed on the loveseat in the corner of the room.

I made my way to the ottoman, picked up the prayer mat and hijab, and then offered my prayers. After praying, I folded the meat and hijab neatly and placed them back in their original place.

He was still on the loveseat, "Come" I heard him mutter, and I slowly made my way over.

He pulled me into his lap the moment I stepped in front of him, he buried his face into my neck and then began placing multiple kisses on my face that caused me to giggle.

"This man must be bipolar," my subconscious says.

"I missed you," he says, burying his head deeper into my neck.

"I missed you more", I replied.

We sat in silence for a minute.

"I'm sorry", I murmured, and he hummed against my neck.

"What I did was dumb, and it was wrong of me to invalidate your feelings by saying it wasn't a big deal, my life has changed, and I have to learn to adjust for the sake of our relationship", I add.

He retracts his head and gives me a small smile, "I forgive you", he responds, and I grin widely and kiss his lips softly.

"How I've missed you," he says, drawing a breath and then placing hot kisses on my neck.

"Ooh, are we going to have hot makeup sex," I say, smiling widely, and he bursts out a hearty laugh.

He places his arm under my thighs and gets up, carrying me bridal style, he walks over to the bed and throws me onto it, then begins to tickle me uncontrollably, I laugh loudly like a mad woman as I plead with him to stop.


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