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"Amira, wake up. It's time for fajr."

"Mmmmm", I groaned.

He sighed, "Wake up, or I'm going to pour water on you".

I jolted up from the bed, "I'm up," I yelled.

He chuckled, "Perform wudhu and meet me in my room to pray".

"Okay", I replied, lifting myself off the bed. He exited the room, and I proceeded into the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and performing my ablution put on my long grey hijab and picked up my Quran before heading to Akram's room. The hallway was dark, and I nearly fell into the large vase. I finally reached his door without sustaining any injuries.

I knocked softly. I heard his husky voice inviting me in. I opened the door and walked in quietly, muttering a Salam.

He answered my Salam, sitting on the bed using his phone. I stood in the middle of the room and admired it. It had a dark blue theme. Mysterious yet beautiful.

"Shall we?" he asked, waving a hand in my face. When the hell did he get here?

"Sure," I said.

He led me to the mat, and we prayed.

As we finished, we started to recite the Quran. As I ended Suratul Ankaboot, I yawned loudly. 

"Looks like someone is sleepy," Akram said as he closed his Quran.

"Yes, I'll see you later", I said, getting up.

"Okay, why don't we watch a movie," he said.

"Sure", I agreed with a smile before walking out.


I watched Amira walk out the door smiling. It's good that she's happy, I said to myself. I promised Ammi I would take care of her. I don't need her telling Ammi I'm not nice to her.

I put away the prayer mat and Quran before climbing the bed. Then, I grabbed my phone and replied to some of my messages. I had many unread messages from Simna, my ex.

She kept telling me how sorry she was and missed me. So I left the messages unopened. I finally replied to all the important people before drifting back to sleep. 


After praying with Akram, I returned to my room and fell on my bed; I didn't even take off my hijab before falling asleep.

I woke up drenched in sweat. I realised I hadn't put on my A.C. because it was cold at nighttime.  I abruptly got up and tore the hijab off my body. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 2:15 I yelled, oh God no!

I rushed to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I did my daily skin routine for my face before taking a bath.  I brushed my teeth and performed my ablution.  I moisturised my body before pulling on blue wide-leg track pants and a white body con shirt. If we are going to watch a movie, I might as well dress comfortably.

I prayed zuhr before combing my silky hair. I put on some light makeup and put on the necklace Amina got for me. I grabbed my phone and slid on my shoes before entering the kitchen. There were neatly arranged food warmers, trays, and a note from ailah and Huddaya.

It read;

We came to bring breakfast, but you guys were asleep, so we dropped it off. Have a lovely first day as a married couple, and don't get too nasty, if you know what I mean. (wink wink)

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