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"Are you ready?" Amira asked as we pulled into the driveway.

I nodded softly, and we descended the car, I took in the scenery of the familiar space, the house was just as it was eight years ago, an old, moderate-sized grey duplex.

The first time I had been here was for her 16th birthday party right before we went off to school, she had invited the whole class, and Ammi had suggested I socialise with my secondary schoolmates for the last time before university.

She and I were months apart in age and some of the youngest in our set. Throughout the four years we were in school together, we had only spoken about six times, and that too because of group projects.

She always sat at the back and hardly ever spoke if it wasn't necessary, she was one of the quiet ones, and I hung out with the loud, unruly crowd. The morning we came into class to meet the invitations on our desks, we were highly baffled about who Jannah Khalil was.

For a class of 18, we were supposed to know everyone, but that's how quiet she was. We asked around as everyone came in from the morning assembly, but we didn't get any answers until she walked in last.

One of the girls asked her if she knew who Jannah was, and she said it was her, oddly enough, everyone agreed to show. I remember the afternoon very clearly, July 21st 2015.  I arrived with three classmates and enjoyed the excessive drinks and food.

At one point, I felt a bit sick, so I stepped out into the backyard for some fresh air, and I noticed the frail girl sitting alone at the pavilion, her body was shaking vigorously, so I made my way over to check on her.

I asked if she was okay, and she revealed that some girl from our class had insulted her house, insinuating that her parents were too poor to afford a proper home. I had tried my best to comfort her but had just made it worse.

Eventually, her crying seized, and she asked why I was out there, I informed her of my tummy issues, and she began spilling all the knowledge she had on stomach problems. I remember gaping at her the entire time, wondering how she knew all this.

I even asked if this was part of the things we were being taught in school, and she laughed, saying all of my subjects were tailored toward business and economics, so definitely not, I was shocked at how she knew about my subject picks.

I asked her, and she told me she had observed me a few times over the years, and a long conversation began about everything. Sometimes she would talk my ears off, and sometimes she would listen quietly. I found comfort in her silence and discussion.

We exchanged social media, and we have talked every day since then. A month later, her father passed, and I came to offer my condolences to Ammi and Baba. I visited her often after that, to the point where I got close to her mom and new stepdad. We started dating In late September.

After she passed, I could only text her mother because I was too ashamed to show my face. Right now, my heart was almost beating out of my chest. I don't know how she'll react to seeing me, but hopefully, she won't kick me out.

We reached the door, and I sucked in a breath before knocking. Less than a minute later, a maid pried the door open, "Ina wuni," she greeted.

"Lafiya kalau, mama na nan?" i responded.

She nodded in reply and stepped aside to let us in, she then led us to the living room and left to inform her.

My hand kept shaking due to anxiety. Luckily amira grabbed it. I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

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