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*Guys, please always check on your happiest friends because they might be the saddest. Many people, including me, are so good at masking our emotions; trust me, it doesn't get better until you speak about them or open up. Mental health struggles are REAL, and Trauma is REAL. Especially with this pandemic, many people might be going through something. Check on yourself and the people you care about.  Remember that you matter and deserve happiness; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Please treat yourself with the utmost care, love, attention and respect. Put yourself  first. Put your emotions and feeling into consideration before anyone else's. Please love yourself! ( These are a few things BTS has taught me over the years, and I've gratefully benefited from this, and I enjoy sharing it with others.)*


I rolled over, clutching the duvet harder; this could be the most sleep I've ever gotten and no doubt the best. It's so great it's almost suspicious.

I jerked up from the bed and scanned the room. She wasn't there. I rushed into the closet to check to no avail. Where the hell is she, then? I asked no one. Running out of the room, I barged into her room. She wasn't in the room, toilet or closet.

I checked all the rooms, stores, and living rooms upstairs, the middle and ground floors. She wasn't also in the kitchen or pantry. Returning to the living room, I picked up a vase I was sure was a wedding present from some aunt and threw it into the wall.

The impact shattered it, and the prices broke into smaller ones due to the contact with the tiled floor, the wall was now chipped, and a fair amount of paint had been scraped off.

Falling to my knees, I put my face into my palms. He has probably taken her, I thought. Tears then began to cascade down my cheeks. The door creaks and a familiar figure walks in. She looks at me and then notices the wall and the shattered vase.

"Akram, what the hell?" she asks, ignoring me to check out the wall. She moved carefully, avoiding the sharp ceramic pieces. She brushed her hand against the wall and then looked back at me. A very harsh glare adorned her face.

"What are you doing to my house?" she asks, placing her chubby hands on her waist. I slowly got up and went over to her. I wrapped my arms securely around her as best as possible because her bump had gotten so big.

I sniffled a little as I rested my head on hers, her hands had been limp by her side, but upon hearing my shallow cries, she quickly latched on to me, one hand caressing my back.

I pulled her over to the couch and placed her on my lap.

" I thought you were gone", I whispered, staring up at her.

She scowled in response, "is that why you destroyed my perfect wall?" she asked, calmly this time.

"I'll get it fixed", I replied.

"You better", she retorted, getting up and heading towards the door. She paused and looked back at me, tilting her head softly as she stared at me. Understanding her wordless message, I got up and trailed behind like a lost puppy.

We made it into the kitchen. Again she didn't say a word, only arched an eyebrow while holding up a mug, I nodded in response, and she began to move around the kitchen. Finally, she dropped a piping hot cup of camomile tea in front of me and sat on the opposite stool.

HIS (YOU series #1)Where stories live. Discover now