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I was seated next to Akram, who had Aadil on his lap. I patiently scrolled through my phone while we waited for Simna and her husband to arrive. For some reason, I wasn't nervous at all.

A few minutes passed, and I spotted a light-skinned girl and a dark-skinned guy following closely behind her, walking into the restaurant, she scanned the vast room before her eyes fell on Akram.

I watched as she took in a breath, and the man placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, she gave him a small smile and began walking towards us. Finally, they made it to the table.

"Hi, you must be Amira, I'm Simna," she says, extending her hand.

I smiled and began reaching out my hand when Akram grabbed it, I shot him a glare and whispered, "quit it".

He begrudgingly let go and huffed. I shook her hand briefly.

"Take a seat," I say.

They both sit.

"Oh, this is my husband Abdulrahman," she says.

He waves shortly, and I smile in response.

"Get on with it, please," Akram says.

"Be nice," I said, slapping his arm.

"Oww," he says, feigning hurt, which makes Aadil giggle.

"You find this funny?" Akram says, pulling his chubby cheeks, which makes him laugh even harder.

"He's gorgeous, MashaAllah," she says, smiling at Aadil.

"Thank you for acknowledging my hard work", I respond.

"I helped too," Akram states, and I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, he's right, I shouldn't waste your time," she says.

"Aha," Akram says, making a face.

Ya Allah, what has gotten into this man today?

"Amira, I'm extremely ashamed of my actions, you didn't even know me, yet I caused you pain and harm. I was being foolish and obsessive over someone who never belonged to me in the first place. I'm extremely sorry for everything, if I could, I would take everything back, but that's not possible. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." She says

"And I'm also sorry for misleading you about the purpose of this meeting, Akram didn't give me enough time to apologise to him properly yesterday, so I figured if I asked you to come, he would come along, but I guess you figured that out since you convinced him to allow this" she added.

I nodded.

"It's all in the past now, I've forgiven you, and I wish you the best as you continue on your journey of redemption and change", I reply, smiling.

She smiles and then moves her gaze over to him.

"Akram, I've hurt you, I've hurt you a lot. I'm the cause of some of the biggest pains of your life, and no amount of words can express how apologetic I am. I was being selfish, obsessive and stupid, I was blinded by desire and influenced by everything I was taking. An apology will not bring her back, and it will not change anything that has happened up until now, but I don't think I'll be able to keep on living if I don't let it all out. I've been wicked and incredibly dumb over the years, but I've turned a new leaf. I'm trying hard to be a way better version of myself. That evil simna is gone, I even visited her parents and confessed. Please, Akram find it in your heart to forgive me," she says, sobbing by the end.

I watched as Akram struggled to hold in his tears, I placed a hand over his and gave it a light squeeze.

"I forgive you," he says.

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