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Santorini was even more gorgeous than I remember. The villa Akram had rented for a year was stunning, and it had a nice pool and an open floor plan.

It was the perfect spot for a vacation, but I'm not entirely sure it's the best place to have a kid. We had just met with the midwife who would be delivering the baby and the doula who would be there for emotional support.

I had settled for a home birth because one of my favourite influencers recommended it.

"You're seriously going to have a home birth because some girl on Instagram recommended it," Akram says, giving me a very judgy look.

"Not just some girl, babe, Nara, and I'm in love with her parenting methods", I respond.

He was about to say something before he was cut off by a phone call," who's calling me from Dubai?" he asked, staring at the screen.

"Pick up and see," I tell him, and he obeys.

He put the phone on speaker, and we listen.

H: AK, you won't believe what's happening right now.

AK: What are you doing in Dubai?

H: Mama dragged me here just two days after you left wallahi, we're shopping for Hudayya's lefe, but that's not the pressing issue.

AM: What's the issue then?

H: Yawwa Amira, it's good that you're here to hear what your sister did.

"I can tell where this is going", I whisper to Akram, and he nods.

H: Tell me why I woke up to snaps of her at a club!

AM: she told me she was having a bachelorette, but I didn't think that's what she had in mind.

H: And she's telling me it's not a big deal.

AK: Do you want my wife to apologise on her behalf?

I didn't hear Hud's response to the question because my phone began to ring. I headed into the room to answer the phone call. It was a Facetime call from Ya Sarah, and I knew this wouldn't be good. The call begins connecting, and her face finally appears on the screen.

Me: Ya Sarah!!! How's my niece?

S: No time for that, Amira. I need you to school this girl because if I look at her for one more minute, I might explode.

She hands the phone to a teary-eyed Huddaya, and I laugh inwardly at her red face. No, Amira, you shouldn't be laughing. This is serious, my subconscious says.

H: Hi

Me: Amarya ya kike?

H: I don't think I can be called that again

Me: You're already married, so he can't cancel the wedding.

H: *Giggles*

Me: On a serious note, though, who says it's not a big deal when it's a huge deal? You're married now, and you'll have to adjust to your new lifestyle.

H: Maybe I shouldn't have in the first place. What was I thinking?

Me: You were thinking, "I love this man, and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with him". Don't let one mistake derail the rest of your life. You'll have to take accountability and deal with it responsibly.

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