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I hadn't returned to sleep since I woke up to pray Subhi. Right now, I'm in the kitchen making Akram lunch, he had slept in today, and I had called in sick at work. I moved around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients here and there. I bopped my head to the music playing from the beats connected to my phone. I felt at peace and content.

I was singing mixed personalities by YNM Nelly when I heard a hearty chuckle behind me. I quickly spun around to find Akram leaning by the doorway, shining all his pearly whites.

"Hello, wifey," he says, entering the kitchen.

" Hi", I said back.

"What are you making?" He asks, taking a seat on the barstool.

"Stir fry noodles", I reply, facing the pot.

He hummed in reply. I left the noodles to cool off while I grabbed him a glass of water. Dropping the water before him, I sat on the stool next to him. He took sips of the water before pushing the glass aside. After that, we sat there silently, enjoying each other's company.

"So my family reunion is on Thursday, and you're going to meet the rest of my family who weren't able to attend the wedding and those who didn't meet you, " he said.

"Okay, so what should I wear?" I reply.

"Look the same way you do every day, exceptionally beautiful", he replies with a smile.

I smile back and hide my blush.

"Is someone blushing?" he taunts.

"No", I replied, getting up to attend to my pasta. He laughs.

We talked and laughed throughout lunch.


Hud and I were on our way to meet our friends who didn't attend the wedding because they were out of state. We listened to music in the car before pulling up at the restaurant.
We exchanged pleasantries with the guys and commenced our fun night out. I had suggested we do it in the afternoon because I wouldn't say I liked leaving Amira at home, especially at night, but the guys insisted.

Akram, I said, mentally scolding myself, don't fall for this girl. She'll break you again.

But my Amira isn't like that, my subconscious said. I had a mini-mental battle before I thought of a solution. Only one person can help me think this through. I needed to call Yaya Mami. Should I wait till later or call her before all these thoughts leave my head?

"I'm just going to step out for a minute, "I tell the guys.

They nod in acknowledgement. I stepped out and called her with my other number. She knows it's an urgent issue whenever I use it to call her. She picks up after three rings.

Y: Spill.

A: Well, it's about Amira, I don't know much about her right now, but I can see it in her eyes. She's pure and innocent. She can't even hurt a fly. I believe deep down inside is a pure, innocent, beautiful soul waiting to be loved, nurtured, and cared for. I want to do that for Amira, but some part of me won't let me. I want to move on and love her, but it's hard.

Y: Oh my, Akram, if you want to love her, then you have to free yourself, Akram. Stop blaming yourself for things you didn't do. You deserve to be happy, Akram. You do, and everyone thinks so too. Tell her everything, Akram, and  I'm sure she'll tell you exactly what I'm telling you right now. A little bit of advice is warm up to her more and connect deeper before you tell her.

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