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I placed the wooden milestone plaque next to Aadil and grabbed my phone to take the picture before he got tired of lying down, after taking as many as I could, I picked him up and cradled him in my chest.

"You're a week old already", I cooed at him while he only stared at me with his big doe eyes,

"Why are you going so fast?" I whine, bopping his knows to which he scrunches up his nose, I giggle at his antics.

"Aadil, Virtuous and Just, I love it," Akram says, waltzing into the room, he strokes his head and then places a kiss on his tiny temple, it was then I noticed the striking resemblance.

With each passing hour, he begins to look even more like Akram,

"This is so unfair, I suffered the pain of bringing him into this world, and he comes out looking exactly like you", I huff.

Akram chuckles and kisses my cheek,  "let's have a girl that looks like you then", he responds,

"No", I yell loudly, making Aadil cringe and cry.

"Did mommy scare you? Come here," Akram says, collecting Aadil from me, he places him on his shoulder and gently taps his back, and almost instantly, he quiets down.

"the biggest betrayal of all time", I huff, leaving the room and picking up my phone I FaceTime Ailah.

Me: I'm depressed.

A: what!? Is it postpartum stuff?

Me: no, it's the fact that the child I pushed out loves his father more than me.

A: He'll cling to you more as he grows up, so don't worry, besides he has to eat, so he'll always need you.

Me: He has to eat, he's gaining weight quickly, I've never encountered a bigger foodie.

A: I certainly have.

She pans the camera to Jafar, deep into a massive burger.

Me: No wonder he hasn't said a word this entire phone call.

J: This is the best thing I've ever had.

Me: where did you get it from? I want to try it when I return.

A: I made it for him.

"And why are you making food for Jafar," Akram asks as he sits next to me, I swear my soul almost escaped my body.

A: Oh..... well, we're running errands for Hudayya's wedding today, and I knew we wouldn't have time to eat, so I made some food for us to eat in the car.

AK: Errands at 11 pm?

Me: The wedding starts tomorrow, so it only makes sense that you guys are running errands this late.

A: Yeah, everyone is so occupied.

AK: Well, if you're done, you should get home.

J: Yeah, I'll drop her off and ensure she's in before leaving.

Akram narrows his eyes at the phone upon hearing Jafar's words, panicking I disconnect the call,

"I think I hear Aadil crying," I say, rushing to the room. I close the door and press my back to it, I place a hand on my heart and pat it softly,

"You handled that well," I say to myself, breathing heavily.

I jump away from the door as it is being pushed open,

"Ya Sarah is calling you," Akram says. Eyeing me suspiciously, I take the phone and press it to my ear,

"Babe, you have to answer it first," he says,

"Oh yeah", I respond and accept the call, I plop down on a loveseat and speak into the phone.

Throughout the 56 minutes I was talking to Ya Sarah and Aunty Inthi, Akram had been staring at me, almost as if he was trying to decipher what was happening in my head.

Finishing my phone call, I drop my phone on the little coffee table in the centre of the room,

"There's something you're not telling me," he says, sitting on the loveseat adjacent to me, "what makes you say that," I ask, trying to play it cool.

"Body language", he responds,

I laugh as hard as I can without being loud enough to wake my sleeping son,

"I don't know if you think you're Dr Reid or something, but you're wrong, I'm chill", I respond,

"In fact, can someone who isn't chill do this?" I ask, making an LA sign with my fingers.

He bursts out laughing, and I couldn't help but join, he had a laugh that made others laugh.

"Yeah, you're super chill," he says between laughter.

"Speaking of Dr Reid, there's a new season of American horror story on Disney plus," he says, getting up and outstretching his hand to me. I grab my laptop and hop onto the bed.

Akram snuggles up next to me as I open the computer. Something occurs to me as I search it up on Disney plus,

"Dr Reid has nothing to do with an American horror story," I say,

"Potato potato, both shows have a similar theme", he responds, opening up a bag of marshmallows.

"They d-" I start saying, but Akram interrupts by shoving two marshmallows in my mouth.

He begins laughing hysterically as he watches me struggle to eat them, that's how our night went, eating marshmallows and laughing joyously at anything we could.

2 Days Later

As I dropped the last dish on the dining table, I cracked a smile, I made dinner for I and Akram to celebrate our first anniversary, which was some days back. Still, we didn't get to celebrate because someone made a surprise arrival. Aadil's birthday was days after our anniversary.

I rushed to the room and poked my head through the door,

"I'm done," I said, smiling like a loon,

"Finally, I've been stuck in this room for 3 hours", he complained.

"You had Aadil, though", I reply,

"Yes, I enjoyed my conversation with the two week-old baby," he says as he rolls his eyes at my words, and I smile.

"Tada" I yell as we approach the dining table,

"babe, you didn't have to do all this," he says as he scans the table,

"I wanted to, we've spent an amazing, crazy year together, it deserves to be celebrated", I responded.

He puts Aadil down in his rocker and then sits next to me.

"I can't wait to go home. Do you have any news regarding you know what?" I ask as we begin eating. He stiffened at my question, I narrowed my eyes at him,

"Ibrahim said they might have him in custody soon, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to get your hopes up", he replies.

"How soon are we talking?" I ask,

"Honestly, I can't say, babe, but Ibrahim is trying to make it happen as soon as possible," he says, rubbing the back of my hand.

"I know he is, I just miss home so much, and I want Aadil to meet everyone", I whine,

"Soon, InshaAllah," he says, trying his best to reassure me.

We finished the rest of dinner conversing about the most random things and FaceTime with Amina and Bukar. They argued over having kids while Akram and I almost died laughing.


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