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"She's a beauty, MashaAllah," Hud commented after we had dropped Amira off.

"I know," I said, sighing.

"Please don't shut her out," Hud said, giving me a side glance to make out my expression.

"What do you mean," I asked though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I know you're nice to her, but please do not shut her out of your life. You may not have wanted this, but you're already married, and she deserves to know. She might even help you overcome it," he said.

"My past is mine. If I decide to share it with her, I will," I stated firmly.

"Okay, but I think- " Hud started.

"I've heard," I said, turning my head to look out the window.

He turned his eyes back on the road and didn't utter anything more. I didn't want to be rude, but I've had enough of these conversations. Finally, we arrived at my house. I could see a lot of cars outside, meaning Amira had arrived.

We quickly slipped in through the back because we wanted to go unnoticed. Then, I went into my room to freshen up and change. After I was done and ensured the bridal party was gone,  I sprayed on some perfume and went to see Baba.

I knocked on the door, and he shouted, "Come in" from the other side. I waltzed in and bent down to greet him. 

"My pride and joy," he said.

I couldn't help but smile, "I'm not going to say much.  DanAllah Akram, take care of her, take away all her worries, and be sweet and loving. It's all a girl ever wants. Believe me, I have one just next door".

We chuckled briefly before he continued, "For the sake of your family and yourself, treat her like a princess".

"You know the kind of home she comes from, well behaved, pampered and spoilt. Spoil her even more. Don't let her regret joining this family. Provide her with everything she needs, okay?" He asked, finally finishing.

"InshaAllah" baba I answered. 

"Go and meet your mother," he said after a few minutes of peaceful silence.

"Ok," I said, heading out.

I headed to Ammi's room. She was on the phone, so I sat beside her and waited for her to disconnect the call. When She hung up, then gave me a small smile and pulled me into a hug, after what felt like 30 minutes, I pulled away and gave her a peck.

"I've always taught you to be loving, strong and kind though, at one point in your life, I got it wrong, and I'm sorry, but please stop living in the past, be the Akram you used to be and don't push her away, be nice to her and be the best husband you can be because I'm certain she'll be the best wife she can be."

"Take care of her and yourself and remember that I'll always be there to help and support you," she said. 

"InshAllah Ammi", I answered. 

"Promise me," she said. I hesitated.

"Please, Akram, for your good", she pleaded.

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