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"How do I look?" I ask, waltzing into Akram's room.

"Gorgeous", he says, looking up from his phone.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"I was just about to", he says, typing away on his phone.

I walk into his closet and pick out a white Balenciaga top, black chinos and Alexandra McQueen sneakers. I throw them onto the bed and snatch away his phone. I turn it off without looking to respect his privacy.

He begrudgingly got up to get dressed while I stared at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a blue and white Valentino dress with Chloe sandals. Satisfied with my look, I plopped down on the bed to ogle my husband. He smirks at me, and I look away bashfully.

"Meet me outside when you're done. I'm going to ensure everything is in order, and remember we're telling everyone inside. Then the party begins," I said, walking out.

He smiles and nods, and I start my walk downstairs. Finally, I made it down the stairs and noticed Ammi and Baba had arrived. I gingerly went to hug the woman who had become more than a mom to me.

I exchanged pleasantries with Baba and was about to excuse myself to oversee the preparations outside.

"Why are Hudayya and Ailah not here? They should be doing this, not you," Aunty Inthi says, walking into the living room. I rush to hug her, and I watch as she greets Baba and hugs Ammi. Both families coming together always made me smile.

I heard a familiar voice muttering, Salam.

"Daddy" I yelled, running as fast as I could to hug my father. He kisses my forehead.

"I've missed you, mon Cherie, " he says, smiling down at me. My father is a very tall man, and my mom was petite, my turn says my grandma, and I give her a bone-crushing hug.

Eventually, everyone arrived, and conversations in the parlour were in full swing. I felt a hand on my waist and a figure behind me. Instinctively I relaxed into the touch and allowed the familiar scent of my baby daddy to engulf me.

" It's time," he says, and I frown a bit but nod my head.

"Everyone, we have some news we would like to share," Akram says, and I look down, playing with my fingers.

As Akram begins to narrate the reality of our lives, I zone out because I don't think I can bear hearing about the mess I've put us in. Just as Akram was coming to a close, I was pulled out of my reverie by a subtle kick to my stomach. Fine, I'll listen, I say inwardly as I place a hand on my stomach.

"We thought it better to let you know instead of going through something as chaotic as this alone," Akram finishes.

"Well, you guessed right," my dad says. "As a family, we can get through anything together".

Everyone nodded in agreement, and I smiled.

"Have you decided on where you are going?" Baba asks

"Yes," Akram answers.

"That's good", he responds. "I'll make sure the boy is taken care of by the time you return", he adds.

"I hope you've planned extensively and strategically, Akram," Ammi says.

"To the best of my ability," Akram responds, and she nods.

"I can't believe you're leaving me," Amina says, clutching onto me. I hug her as tightly as possible as she cries into my shoulder.

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