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I gently closed my Quran and placed it on my bedside. I didn't sleep or pray Subhi with Akram today. I was still angry about the Simna thing. I took off my hijab and sighed before falling into my bed with a thud and falling asleep.

I woke up later, around 1:30 pm. I took a shower dressed in a baby pink dress with white heels and a white veil. I applied light makeup and bathed myself in Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

I admired myself in the mirror and made some awkward faces. I burst into a fit of laughter and gave myself a high five. The cringe things I did when I was alone were concerning,

I went downstairs to have breakfast, "I'm thinking  bread and Nutella," I said, stroking my chin like a weirdo.  I waltz into the kitchen to find Akram munching on some cereal. I drop my bag on the counter and rummage through the cupboards to find the Nutella.

"I can see you're all dressed up. Care to tell me where you're going," Akram says.

"I'm going out", I reply without turning.

"Oh yeah, I heard you talking to your babe yesterday", he says, his voice kind of tense. I smile to myself and continue to play along.

I turn around to face him, "Yes, my babe is coming to pick me up today," I say, smirking.

" Well, I hope you have fun," he says, storming out. This feels as good as I thought it would.

I was just about to start cleaning up when I heard a knock on the door. Amina must be here. I rushed out of the kitchen to open the door passing Akram in the living room.

I quickly unlocked the door, and Amina's pretty face appeared.

"Baby", I squealed loudly as I embraced her. We jumped around as we held into each other.

"Wow, this is your babe," Akram says from behind us.

We look over at him and laugh, "That's what you get for Eves dropping", I say, placing my hands on my waist. He huffs and walks back inside. We follow suit to wait for Ailah and Huddaya.

"Ango", Amina says as she waves at Akram.

"Hi, Amina", he says, smiling. I leave them to talk as I clean up the kitchen. Another knock sounded, and Karima must have opened the door because Ailah and Hudaya made their presence known.

I immediately returned to the living room because Akram was about to kill Ailah. So I hurried over to them and squeezed into the middle.

"Akram, can you not kill her? I love her," I say, pushing him away from Ailah.

He groans and returns to sit down, "you," I say, facing Ailah.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I just commented on his weight", she responds cheekily.

I see why he wanted to kill her now. If I've learnt something about Akram during the weeks we've lived together, it's that he cares so much about his looks.

"You know how he is about his looks, so that wasn't nice of you," I tell her, and she nods.

"And just because she said something you don't like doesn't mean you should kill her," I tell Akram. He scoffs and turns his head to the other side.

"Apologize to him, Ailah," I tell her.

" I'm sorry, Ya Akram," she says.

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