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"It's done. Do you want to come to see it?" I ask Amira popping my head through the door.

"I would have to get up, and I don't think I want to do that", she replies.

"Suit yourself," I say, going back to the room. I had repainted the walls blue for my baby boy.

Amira was heavily against it because, according to her, we could reuse the room in future, but I plan on giving each kid their unique sanctuary. I looked at the piles of clothes, diapers and boxes in the corner.

Some were gifts from the baby shower, and others were brought after the shower. Everyone was so excited. I don't blame them. It's been a long time since someone had a baby. I don't know what's hindering Ibrahim, but he's next.

I'll have to call Ammi to send someone to sort them out because I can't do it, and Amira can't bend. Yesterday she attempted to and almost fell flat on the ground. I had to unlock my superman abilities to catch her. I chucked at the memory, eager to make more with my little family.

"What's so funny?" she asks, walking in.

"Thinking about your fall yesterday", I reply.

"I'm calling Ammi", she replies with a pout.

"Haba, you know she'll scold me", I reply.

"My point exactly, she says, leaving. I follow suit quickly.

She makes herself comfortable in the middle of the bed.

"You can't sleep here tonight. I need more space," she blurts out.

I stare at her, confused, "all of a sudden?" I ask.

She laughed, "I know, right, it just popped into my head, and I thought I should just say it".

"You aren't normal," I say, laughing.

"I want to go over to my parents for something. Keep your phone on you, and I'll send a maid up here with food, take your meds, get some rest, and lock the door. If you're still asleep by the time I come back, I'll wait for you to wake up. Understood?" I ask.

"Clearly", she replies. I kiss her forehead and then grab my keys to head out. She finally stopped arguing with me when I gave instructions on her health and well-being.

"Patrol this house thoroughly. No one gets in or out without me knowing," I say to the security at the gate.

"Yes sir", was their reply as I sped out of the gate towards my parent's house.


I sat cross-legged on the floor between Akram's legs across from Amina. She looked at her card and then looked over at me again. I smirked at her because I knew my cards' power.

"Come on, babe," Bukar said, cheering her on.

"Pick three she says, dropping one of her last two cards. Pick 12, I say, dropping my last three cards that were conveniently all 5's.

"Ohhhhh", Muhsin yelled, jumping up from his chair.

"That was clean," Jafar says.

"I hate that you don't bluff," Amina says, pouting, and I smile.

Akram only pats my shoulder to congratulate me.

"That's another 5 points for Baby squad", Ibrahim says, writing it on the scoreboard.

We were having a game night, and Akram had chosen the name for our team.

Baby squad- Akram & Amira: 15 points
Food is life- Jafar and Muhsin: 13 points
The Bunu's - Bukar and Amina 10 points
F&I- Fatima and Ibrahim: 10 points
Power rangers: Hud, Hudaya and Ailah : 5

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