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"I appreciate this, Akram", I tell him with a smile which he gladly returns.

We begin to chat about everything and anything over dinner.

"I've never stalked your Instagram", he says as he scrolls through my posts.

"I'm sure that's not true, " I reply.

"Okay, it isn't completely true", he admits, and I giggle.

"Delete this," he says, handing me the phone.

"No, Akram, I can't. I took this in California when I was on vacation with my friends", I argue.

"Don't care?" he says, focusing on his food, "if you want to be seeing it send it to me, and I'll make it my wallpaper", he adds.

"But", I start before he cuts me off,

"Don't push it", he replies.

"Fine", I groan.

I didn't peg him as the jealous type, but clearly, he was.

I played around with my fork, hoping Akram would notice my despair, which he eventually did after finishing his food.

"Don't be sad, babe", he says. I look up at him and roll my eyes.

"I have a surprise for you," he says, and my face lights up.

"I love surprises", I squeal.

"Well then, you're really in for it then," he says, passing his phone.

I take it and stare at the picture on the screen.

"Akram" I yell.

"We are going on a honeymoon", I yell yet again.

"For two good months," he says.

"Oh my god, I can't wait. Thank you so much, Akram", I reply.

"Only the best for my princess," he says, grinning. I go around the table to kiss him, which he gladly returns.

"So... I've been meaning to tell you something, Amira", Akram says hesitantly.

"I'm all ears," I say, smiling.

"Amira, this is not the kind of thing you expect to hear", he adds.

I stare at him intently.

"There's a reason I haven't been in love for six years, my past isn't pleasant, so I would completely understand if you don't want to be with me," he says.

I gulp and nod for him to continue.

He began... "When I was 17, I had a girlfriend, Jannah. She was the love of my life, or so I thought; I believed I loved her so much that nothing could ever tear us apart. Months into our relationship, she introduced me to her new friends Simna and Rabia, I found it odd that Jannah would be friends with people like them, but she reassured me they were good people. I trusted her, so I let it slide. Months passed, and I got to know them better, and they seemed like really good people."

"Simna and I got closer when Jannah returned to Nigeria due to a family emergency. But I didn't feel anything for her. Rabia also used all the opportunities to get close to me, but I just thought we were friends, but it turned out they were both crushing on me. Rabia knew of Simna's crush, but simna was unaware of hers."

"It had been months, and Jannah had still not returned. Simna used this opportunity to turn me against her with the help of Rabia. They told me she was into drugs and even showed me videos of her inhaling and injecting all sorts of stuff. Later, they showed me Jannah's wedding pictures. I've never felt so betrayed, Amira. It was the worst phase of my life. I stopped attending classes and going out, and the only person who checked up on me every day was Simna."

"My heart had no choice but to accept her, she pulled me out of my depression, and I was gradually getting back to normal when Jannah showed up at my doorstep. She told me she had got married, but She ran away to come back to me. I was so angry because she looked so happy in the wedding pictures. She was smiling and dancing and embracing her husband. I told her I'd found someone better than her and didn't need her anymore."

"She began to beg, but simna came out and told her to leave. She and Simna began arguing, and I was so over it that I returned to my house. Eventually, Simna returned and told me she was gone; I didn't bother to ask how it went".

"Weeks later, Rabia showed up while simna was at work and told me that she and simna were the ones who introduced Jannah to the drug dealers and users and that Jannah's marriage was arranged to save her dad's company, so she has to act happy. At that moment, my world was shattered. I didn't know who to trust anymore".

"I left my house frantically to find Jannah, but I was too late, I got a call that Jannah had committed suicide, and she had left me a letter. She didn't blame me for what she did, but I still blamed myself. I headed to the underground metro to jump before a train and end my life."

Tears started to well in my eyes. I felt Akram's pain like mine. I left my chair and made my way over to him. He pulled me down unto his lap and buried his head in my neck. I ran my fingers through his head, gently calming him.

"That's where I met Hud, Muhsin, Jafar and Bukar. They all came to save me, which they successfully did, they helped me through everything, and we've been inseparable ever since. People said it wasn't my fault, but I never found it in my heart to forgive myself", he added.

"I refused to love again, Amira because I'm scared it will end up the same way he ended up sobbing. Please don't leave me, Amira, please", he cried out, holding unto me for dear life.

" Akram, I'm not going anywhere", I reply.

"But-" he starts before I interrupt.

"No buts, Akram.  Just shut up and enjoy the moment," I say.

"Amira", Akram says.

"Shut up," I say, whacking him on the head.

"I wasn't going to say anything bad, just that the position you're sitting in is uncomfortable. Let me adjust you," he says.

I quickly get up and shoot him a glare.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I ask. 

"I didn't say that. How did you get that from that statement? Your ass is fat, though," he says with a cheeky grin.

"Well, I'm going to take my heavy ass inside, and you shouldn't bother following me," I say, walking away. 

I rush up the stairs and into my room. I change into my black Nike shorts and tank top before sliding into my bed beside Ailah. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door creaking open. I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard him shuffle around the room before reaching my bed.

He sucked in a breath before tearing my blanket off me. He positioned his arms around me before lifting me bridal style. His arm was positioned directly below my butt, it made me super uncomfortable, but I wasn't about to let him know I wasn't asleep. He walks into his room, places me on the bed, and climbs beside me. He slings his arm over me and pulls me into his chest before kissing my forehead.

"I'm still angry with you," I tell him.

"I know", he replies.

I let out a contented sigh before dozing off.

Time skip

Akram and I had the best honeymoon ever. We visited Saudi, Greece, Bali, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, Maldives and Morocco. We will return to Nigeria tomorrow, and I was excited to see everyone again.


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