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"Ohhh, put me down, mana" I hit Akram again and looked up at him with a pout.

"No, I don't need you stressing yourself," he replies as we finally reach the car.

"Says the guy who just woke up from a coma some weeks ago", I mutter under my breath like a brat.

A security guard rushes and opens the door, and Akram sits me comfortably in the backseat and straps my seat belt.

"Sai kace wata yarinya" I yell with a pout.

"You're not a child, but as of right now, you're extremely fragile, so I must proceed with caution", he answers, getting into the driver's seat.

"You could have at least put me in the front", I retort.

"The back has been proven to be safer", he replies.

I cross my arms angrily as we begin the drive to the hospital. This is his first OBGYN check-in, I'm ecstatic, but I'm also angry with him. He treated me like a child who didn't know how to care for herself.

"To be fair, you did almost kill yourself", my subconscious weighed in. Shut up, I replied. That's something Akram can never find out about, or else he'll lock me in a room and force-feed me until this baby is out.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks, pulling me out of my reverie.

"Just wondering if we can find out the gender today," I respond with a small smile to make it more believable.

"Just two days ago, you said you wanted it to be a surprise", he replies.

Shit, I forgot I said that.

"I changed my mind", I replied curtly and turned to the window, hoping the conversation would discontinue.

"Okay", was his only reply as he sized me up suspiciously through the mirror.

Averting Akram's gaze quickly, I fell back into thought. That was close, I need to learn how to lie better. Do you know what I need? My subconscious asks

"Do I want to know"

"Yes, you do. Anyways it's good Chinese."

"Ok, that's good."

"Tell him, now!"

"Babe", I coo, and he hums in response.

"Your baby is hungry," I say coyly.

"Which one of my babies?" he asks.

" Both", I answer sheepishly.

"After this, I'll get you anything you want," he says, pulling into the hospital driveway.

We got off, and this time, he let me walk cause I convinced him people would look at me weirdly or make fun of me. We get into the doctor's office And get ready for the scan.

She checks everything, and Akram finally gets to see the baby, and we get the picture printed.

"Are you willing to know the gender?" the doctor asks.

"Yes", Akram replies.

"Wait-" I already told him I wanted to know, I can't change my mind now.

"What is it?" he asks.

"Nothing", I reply quickly, and he looks at me weirdly again before turning to the doctor.

"Should I just blurt it out, or are you having a gender reveal?" the doctor asks again.

HIS (YOU series #1)Where stories live. Discover now