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I outstretched my arm to grab into the sink for support. I was on the floor, releasing the lovely lunch I had spent hours cooking.

Believing I had nothing left to hurl out, I got up and flushed the toilet. I stared at myself in the mirror, I had lost a few pounds, and my face showed no sign of life.

I was staying with Akram's parents, but I convinced Ammi to let me return to my own house. Walking through the halls and various rooms made it easier. I remembered every single memory we've made in every inch of this house, and it gave me hope that he would soon come back to me.

It's been four weeks since Akram went into a coma. I visited him daily and sat by his bed for hours, hoping he would move just once. I would watch them give him a bed bath, feed him through a tube, and then cry afterwards, telling him how much everyone misses him.

I read somewhere that speaking to them and telling them stories might trigger awareness, and they May wake up faster.

I sighed, remembering how Hud had to drag me out of the hospital last night. He should be glad Akram wasn't awake because he would have ripped his arms off.

I checked the time on the wall clock before rushing to take a shower, I haven't been out since that day, but today I'm making an exception for my best friend.

People came to visit, and I wish they would stop. Their efforts are in vain. I will never be normal until the love of my life wakes up.

Amina's first event was today, and I promised to show up for her the way she did for me. I moisturised and then applied light makeup. I pulled out the Anko and slipped on the fitted gown.

Unlike my other dresses, it was slightly loose but fitted well. It just confirmed my weight loss. I put on jewellery and sprayed perfume, too much of it.

I stood and admired myself in the full-length mirror, this will convince them, my subconscious said, and I agreed. I grabbed my phone and smiled sadly at the Lock Screen. It was a selfie of I and Akram.

I was sticking my tongue out, and he made the silliest face. Shaking off the sad thoughts, I exited the room. I stopped by Akram's study to get car keys, but which one? I thought. I skimmed through the keys and went for the GLE.

"Finally", Amina yelled, throwing her head in my direction. I watched the makeup artist's face contort into that of frustration.

I don't blame her, I've tried doing her makeup once, and since that day, I've never offered again. I reached and gave her a small hug before crashing onto the bed.

"Hawan nan da na yi, har na gaji (I'm so tired from climbing the stairs)", I tell her.

"You've always been fat and lazy," she says, mocking me.

"By the time I'm done with you, this wedding will be off", I reply, and she laughs.

"He loves me for me, not my face", she mutters, and I only hiss and look away.

Drowned in my thoughts, time passes quickly, and it's time to go outside for the event.

"You'll walk me in, right," Amina says, reaching for me. I grasp her hand in mine and give her a nod. We begin to make our way downstairs, and finally, we reach.

The Kamu lasted about 4 hours, half of which I was in my world with him. I sat with the girls, and we laughed out some guests' ridiculous outfits and people's bad dancing. And the best part? The food. 

One week later

Amina's wedding was over. She was now officially Mrs Bukar and had a house of her own. Seventeen years ago, we were just two girls who shared a love of dollhouses and pink.

Now we're both married and happy. Hudayya and Ailah have returned to school for their master's degrees, and Fatima is in Maiduguri visiting her mother's family because Ibrahim is out of the country.

She often calls to say hi and ask about me, my dad is away on business, and my Grandmother decided to tag along. Aunty Inthi is in Yemen for a family wedding, and Sarah is getting ready to pop in Germany.

Ammi and Baba were in London because he's been a bit sick, but she didn't want to risk it. I can't blame her, her only son is in a coma, and her husband is sick.

But she called every day to ask about my well-being and Akram.

Hud kept me company. Some days, he would sit on the other side of the living room, and we would gist about everything, Hudayya In particular.

They spoke everyday single day, with no exceptions. And some days, I would have every meal alone, binge shows, snack a lot and sleep.  In a way, I was utterly alone.

My morning sickness was becoming unbearable, and I had been experiencing pains in my stomach.

I have a hunch about what's wrong with me. I studied this. Some of me wanted to be happy, but the others didn't want it to be true. I can't imagine doing this without him.

A coma could last years; I can't bear to see my child meet his father in that state. I quickly wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks and lay down for a nap.

I woke up to a knock on the door, and with the worst pain in my stomach, suppressing the pain, I rushed to open the door.

Finally making it, I flew the door open, revealing Aunty Adama, she smiled at me with a sad smile, and I threw myself into her, not to hug her.

But she realised this because I was about to pass out and attempted to carry me out. I don't know if she made it because my eyes closed immediately, and I welcomed the warmth of the darkness.


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