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"We should have an even bigger baby shower, this is a long-awaited grandchild, of course," I say as ideas begin swirling around my head.

"Guys, the baby isn't due till another seven months. It's quite early to start planning a shower",  Fatima responds.

"We know, but it's still fun to brainstorm ideas", I reply cheerfully.

"Guys, can we please stop for suya? I've been craving it," Ailah chirps excitedly. We were on our way back from Aunty Inthi's house, I had taken Aadil to her and ya Sarah.

"I don't know, Ya Akram has been back for about four hours now, it's getting a bit late," Huddaya says with worry lacing her tone.

"It'll be fine, 30 minutes max", I reply. Ailah grins at me through the mirror and begins driving in the direction of the yahuza suya spot.

We made it there at about 8:30, but they had a long line, so we had to wait till around 9:30, Fatima then begged us to stop by the junkyard for fish, which we did, and then Hudayya insisted on getting Ice cream.

We had gone on a tour of wuse 2 while Amina and aadil had been passed out the whole time, and everyone's phone had died, what were the odds?

"So, no one knows what time it is right now?" Fatima asks.

"Nope," Hudayya responds, spooning ice cream into her mouth.

"Everyone is probably worried right now," Fatima says.

"It's just for a little while, though, we'll get home soon", Ailah replies.

" I can't remember the last time I was out this late having this much fun," Hudayya says, sticking her head out of the open window.

Amina and Aadil had woken up from their nap, and we were now jamming to a random Nigerian music CD Ailah found in the compartment. Surprisingly, Aadil was not startled by the noise at all. We finally made it home, looking through the glass, I noticed people running out of the front door.

"Oh shit, for a moment, I forgot we had to deal with this", Hudayya says,

"We got a bit carried away, and our phones died, it's that simple", Ailah responds. Ailah parks the car, and we begin hopping out.

Slowly we approached them, and they all just stood there, arms folded, eyes blinded with rage.

"Someone should speak," I whispered.

"We went to get food, and our phones died", Fatima said as calmly as she could, but I could feel the anxiety in her voice.

I hadn't made eye contact with Akram, but I could feel the anger rolling off his body. Without a word, they started trooping into the house, and we all followed, walking as slowly as we could.

Making our way into the living room, I spot Ammi and Baba, she had her feet on his lap as he gently massaged them; it was a fantastic sight to behold.

"Alhamdullilah, I told them you would be back soon, if anything had happened to my daughters, I would have felt it," she says, smiling.

"Toh, you all should start making your way home," baba says.

Akram had texted me saying he had taken my bags to our house earlier, a text I had never responded to. Bidding Ammi and Baba good night, we began making our way to our cars.

"Goodnight, girlies, same time tomorrow?" Ailah asks the moment we step outside.

"No, I don't need another heart attack," Bukar says, pulling Amina towards his shiny black Cullinan. We all laugh at his reaction before saying goodnight to each other.

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