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Lisa has never considered herself the "religious" type.

Maybe it's because, well, her mom was never one for religion either, so it's a family thing, but most of it just sounds like a bunch of nonsense to her. Is it possible that there's some mightier, all-knowing being out there that controls the fate of the universe? Sure, yeah, maybe. Lisa just can't bring herself to care. Except when the universe absolutely loves to torture her in the cruelest ways, and there are no other answers for it than some God must be fucking with her out there.

When Lisa wakes up in the mornings to her roommate, Roseanne, singing to herself in the bathroom as she gets ready for the day. When Roseanne pushes strands of Lisa's messy bedhead out of her face, fingertips brushing lightly against her skin. When Roseanne flips her hair while glancing at herself in the mirror, knowing damn well that she looks gorgeous, for the hundredth time that week.

Being in love with her best friend? Yeah, totally not Lisa's fault. It has something to do with that all-knowing mighty being who enjoys torturing her, which may or may not be God or whatever. Who knows. Religion is a funny thing, isn't it?

"Today is going to be a little busy, but..." Roseanne says this particular morning, giving herself one last look in the bathroom mirror before turning her attention to Lisa. "I'll see you at Jennie's party tonight?"

Lisa, who is still half asleep in the bathroom doorway (although half is an understatement), shrugs. "Not feeling it," is all she says in response, to which Chaeyoung immediately frowns.

"You told Jennie and Jisoo last week that you'd go! Come on, Lili," The blonde pouts in the way that is notorious for getting Lisa to cave. It works 99% of the time, but you know what? Lisa isn't giving in this time. Parties are never her thing anyway, so what's the point? This is her moment to put her foot down. She crosses her arms and pretends to think it over for a while, even though everyone who knows Lisa is fully aware that she'd rather study for Chemistry than go to a party willingly. It's not happening.

Chaeyoung tilts her head a little bit, lips quirking into a small smile as she adds a, "Please?"

Aaaaaand Lisa can feel her resolve melting away, slowly but surely, just like it always does.

"Fine," Lisa says finally and— what the hell? Which part of her brain authorized her mouth to say that? Roseanne's smile grows into a wide grin, and in her excitement is already making plans for the night. What they should wear, what time they should leave... She's a whirlwind as she expresses her enthusiasm for getting Lisa out of the dorm, finally , and shifts past the Thai to find her bag for class.

How does this always happen?

Again, you know, probably some greater force or something. Not because Lisa can't turn down Roseanne, which is because she's in love with her. It's, like, God testing her or whatever. Yeah. Not her fault.


By the time they get home from Jennie's party that night, the clock says that it's barely past one in the morning. Lisa unlocks their door and lets Chaeyoung head inside first, stumbling only slightly in a way that implies Roseanne has had a drink or two. Just enough to be tipsy, but still more in comparison to Lisa's own sobriety. The door shuts behind them, a heavy thud, and Lisa heads straight for their couch. Her body is exhausted from all of that undesired socializing— can you blame her?

She lets out a sigh of relief now that they're somewhere quiet and allows her eyelids to fall shut, listening to Chaeyoung's footsteps around the room.

"I still can't believe Jimin did all of those keg stands," Chaeyoung says, walking over to the fridge and rummaging around for a cold water bottle. Lisa chuckles a little under her breath, picturing the idiot in question after his third keg stand. Everything was fine, he'd insisted. He felt perfectly normal, he'd insisted. Is the room spinning for all of you too? he'd asked, right before falling onto the floor.

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