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"Alright," Lisa grins. "Hand it over."

"What if someone figures it out?"

"No one's going to figure it out."

"But what if they do?"

"Do you trust me?"

Chaeyoung nods.

"Do you trust me enough to get us free dessert and champagne?"

Chaeyoung nods again, because, let's be real, if there's one thing that Lisa excels at other than dancing it's procuring free dessert and alcohol.

"Great," Lisa breathes. "Now give me your ring."


Chaeyoung trusts Lalisa.

Of course she does.

But she's really starting to rethink this plan.

Lisa must see this reflected on her face, because she reaches out to lace their fingers together.

"It's going to be fine," she promises. "Hey, maybe this time you'll even let me get through the whole speech."

"To be fair, it's not like you were down on one knee," Chaeyoung argues. "It's not my fault I didn't notice."

"I was going on about how much you mean to me!"

"Yeah, well," The australian huffs, "you do that normally."

Grinning, Lisa nods, conceding, "I guess."

She squeezes Roseanne's hand quickly and says again, "Everything is going to be fine. Now act surprised, our waiter is coming."

Free dessert. Free champagne. Second proposal.



Roseanne tries to look appropriately shocked when Lisa gets out of her chair and drops onto one knee. She thinks she manages it, because the lady seated at the table next to them gasps and clasps her hands against her chest.

"Roseanne Park," Lisa starts, pulling her ring out of her pocket.

That dress has pockets? Chaeyoung is definitely going to steal it.

"You're kind of my favorite person," Lisa continues, hands shaking just the tiniest bit, "and every day with you is an incredible adventure that I never want to end."

Aw, shit. Chaeyoung is crying a little, isn't she? This has a lot more emotional weight than she was expecting from a fake second proposal for free food and booze. Lisa's eyes shine, and Roseanne thinks it's from tears which eases her mind a little, and then the Thai is talking again, voice steady.

"I've loved you longer than I can remember," she says evenly, even as it looks as if she's struggling to swallow. "You're my best friend and my soulmate. Wanna add wife to the list?"

They're both crying.

They're both definitely crying.

Chaeyoung can't manage to do much else than nod, because they kind of tripped into engagement before? She wasn't paying attention for half of Lisa's speech and then she was rambling and Lisa was laughing and she's not sure if the impact of what had occurred had ever really hit either of them, but it's hitting now, in the middle of a packed restaurant during what was supposed to be just Lisa's dumb plan to get free souffles.


Roseanne nods.

The restaurant erupts into applause as they both stand, and Chaeyoung tucks Lisa under her chin before anything else, just holding onto her for a few moments before letting go to get her ring back to its rightful place. They graciously accept fellow diners' congratulations, and Lisa manages just the right mix of surprise and appreciation when the manager of the place comes out with a bottle of champagne and chocolate souffle with two spoons.

After the excitement dies down, Chaeyoung catches Lisa swiping a hand under her eyes discreetly, and she slides around the booth to whisper in her ear, "This wasn't just for free dessert, was it Lili?"

Lisa huffs out a laugh.

"You caught me," she says, lips quirking up into that soft smile she reserves for Chaeyoung. "I wanted to make sure you'd remember this."

Chaeyoung wants to tell her that she'd remember any proposal that Lisa made. Chaeyoung wants to tell her that she remembers basically everything they've ever done. Chaeyoung thinks she knows.

So, instead she says, smiling slyly, "Next time we do this, I'm proposing to you."


A/N: Credits go to BerryliciousCheerio <3

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