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There's lips pressing into her skin, leaving it feel like her body is sizzling under the pressure of it and she has to shift her whole body underneath her's to squirm away from the red hot feeling that burns through her veins as Lisa continues to suck, kiss, lick her broad tongue right across her pulse point where it flutters under her touch.

Hands roam, grabbing desperately, fumbling between fabrics before they rest on the patch of skin revealed to her where her shirt has ridden up, just at the waist.

"Hot," Roseanne chokes out, thumbing that smooth silky strip of skin. "You're so hot."

Lisa laughs against her neck and it feels like a firework going off in her belly as her nose is pressed in the space between her jaw and neck. "I'm hot?" She rasps. "Baby, have you seen yourself right now?"

When she pulls away, she gives in to the urge to tuck the stray strand that's fallen past her face, gently pushing it behind her ear, and Lisa grins wide like she always does, her eyes go squinty and there's laughter lines around her mouth that don't seem to be fading. Roseanne is still stunned by how beautiful she is.

"What's so funny, chipmunk?" She asks teasingly with a flicker of her eyes, glancing from her eyes to her lips to her eyes again.

"Nothing," Roseanne sighs, dreamily almost, looking up at the girl above her, fingers twirling between another strand, it bouncing as she pulls away. "You're pretty."

Lisa huffs a laugh, and flops back down to bury her face in her neck, giving a little gasp that gets caught in the back of her throat before she's laughing again.

"Hot. Pretty. What next?" Lisa whispers, lips ghosting over her skin, tickling her as she twitches, and then they're attached to her again, kissing and sucking and wanting more.

Chaeyoung can't help the little gasp that escapes her as Lisa kisses over the same spot, her skin wet and throbbing from the pressure of Lisa's mouth on her. She lets her eyes flutter shut, trapping her bottom lip with her teeth as she bites down on it, hard, to keep any embarrassing noises escaping her involuntarily.

"Wanna hear you," Lisa croaks, her hands have found their way at the bottom of her sweater, thumbing the hem rather teasingly, and Lisa has never wanted anything more than now.

But despite the hammering of her heart against her chest, she remembers they're actually supposed to be babysitting, so she twists her head away, but Lisa is determined as she finds a new spot on her neck to kiss and suck at.

"The children," Roseanne breathes. "We have to..."

Her voice disappears into thin air as Lisa's hands trail up underneath her sweater, cold hold skim over her growing belly making the skin there quiver.

Her eyes open and she can see the other girl's mischievous grin once she's pulled away from her neck.

"Ella is out in the park with Jisoo and Haru is sleeping," she reminds her gently, a shake of her head and a grin that gets almost impossibly more sexy each time. "We have the house to ourselves."

The temptation is right there, teetering at the edge. Such a big house and she knows they shouldn't but god, does she crave the need to do it. She's hot and Lisa is doubly hot and when she strains her ear, she realises she can't hear the distant sound of noisy children, nor is there any sound at all.

She throws caution to the wind, wraps her arms and legs around Lisa like a koala bear, both girls giggling as they kiss, open mouthed and hungry.

Lisa feels so heavy on top of her, and it makes her feel safe, like one of those big, heavy blankets she had as a child, keeping her warm on cold winter nights, Lisa feels like a big, warm security blanket that keeps away the bad dreams and the chill in her bones when she lies alone at night.

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