{save you}

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A/N: Credits goes to lorelaislatte ❤️❤️


Roseanne taps her foot against the floor, looking around the space for Lisa again, coming up blank. It's almost ten past six now - Lisa is never late for a date night, and Chaeyoung has gone through the studio close-up three times now, wondering what could be taking so long.

Ten past turns to twenty past, then half past, and she's progressed from a nervous foot-tap to a nervous lip-bite, fiddling with a coaster on the table as she glances around the bar again.

She doesn't want to be annoyed - if Lisa isn't here, there'll be a reason - but she can't help feeling the irritation come up, sighing deeply as she grabs her bag and makes her way to the door. Lisa had better have a good explanation for this - Roseanne's never been stood up by her before, and she's not about to start now.
She heads down the street to their flat, sighing with irritation. It's a chilly evening, and she'd been looking forward to a cosy night and a few drinks, but whatever.

As she rounds the corner to the street that houses their lovely art studio, she frowns as she sees Lisa's outline talking with a tall man outside the shop. She can't quite make out the discussion, but it sounds heated - Lisa's raising her voice, something Roseanne hasn't heard in years, and the man is making some threatening advances on her.

She speeds up, even as the Thai stands her ground, and calls out a hey as she gets close enough. The man whips his head around, and she vaguely recognises him as a shopkeeper from across the road.

"What's going on here?" she asks, ignoring Lisa's shaking of her head.

The man takes a step towards her, pointing a finger in her face. "You can tell your whore wife that she needs to get her fucking attitude in check."

Roseanne's eyebrows shoot up her face, a swell of anger building in her. "Excuse me?"

"I come over here looking for a bargain for the missus, and she's got the nerve to charge me thirty five dollars for a full photobook."

She forces herself to stay calm, seeing Lisa's apologetic look from behind him.

"Those are our prices. You're welcome to take your business elsewhere. And I'll thank you to speak a little more respectfully."

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? To demand a service and insult Lisa so viciously for it? She's already had her date night ruined, and like fuck is she going to let him get to the rest of their day.

"Shouldn't be so fucking unreasonable then. You tell her to-"

"I don't have to tell her anything. Mrs. Park-Manoban is perfectly capable of dealing with you herself."

Lisa blushes a little at the use of her married name, but Chaeyoung's too busy staring angrily at the man in front of her.

"She's not capable. She's nothing but a dishonest-"

And Rosie socks him square in the jaw.

She barely registers until she hears the crack, hears Lisa's call of Rosie, Jesus! from where she's stood as the man reels.

"Get the fuck off of our property," she spits out, anger she hasn't felt in decades welling up as she glares at him. The man looks at her for a long moment, and for a second Roseanne wonders he's going to hit her back, when he instead spits at her feet and staggers off into the dark, leaving Roseanne and Lisa alone.


"I know, I'm sorry, he just-"

"That was hot."

Roseanne feels her anger ebbing away as she gives Lisa a grin, walking over to where she's standing and kissing her chastely. "Had to defend you, didn't I?"

"Be a bit of a shit wife if you didn't," Lisa says teasingly, brushing Rosie's hair off of her face and tangling her fingers in it.

"Sorry about tonight. He caught me just as I left."

"Hey, it's okay," Chaeyoung soothes. "Are you alright?"

"Bit shaken, but yeah. Now you're here."

Roseanne grins, kissing her again. "Well, Mrs. Park-Manoban-" Lisa shivers at the sound, a slow smile spreading over her face. "Why don't we take this upstairs, and you can make it up to me."

Lisa gives her a wicked grin, takes her hands, and kisses her, walking backwards until they're fiddling with the door key, the man across the road all but forgotten as Lisa's hands slip under her shirt.

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