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A/N: Hi lovies, this one belongs to LostGeekMonkeyGirl, credits go to her!


There were lots of things that Lisa called Chaeyoung. Beautiful, stunning, gorgeous were the main ones on a daily basis, even if Chae was just walking around their tiny apartment in just her pyjamas with her hair up in a messy bun, Lisa would always wrap her arms around Roseanne's waist from behind and tell her that she looked beautiful.

It wasn't just compliments either, there were other times when Lisa would call Chaeyoung clingy or 'a ball and chain' but always playfully, she was never serious. It would usually happen in the mornings when Lisa would try to get out of bed and Roseanne would wrap her arms and her legs tightly around Lisa's body to prevent her from leaving and whisper a '5 more minutes please' before Lisa would playfully whisper back 'stop being so clingy, Chae, we've had plenty of time to cuddle. We need to go to class'.

Lisa always loved mornings like those even though she pretended that she didn't. The classes could always wait, the uni would still be there at 10am or 12pm or even the next day if Rosie wanted to spend all day in bed with her, Lisa didn't care.

All that ever mattered was Chaeyoung's light, insistent kisses on her neck whilst her hands wonder up and under her flannel to explore familiar warm skin.

Roseanne loved whenever Lisa complimented her, even if she didn't always believe her, but the one thing that Roseanne loved the most was the pet names that Lisa had for her. 'Chipmunk' had been the first one and it was the one that Rosie treasured the most, even when she pretended to hate it.

Every single day Lisa would call it her, but she also had a variety of other little pet names and nicknames that she would call Chaeyoung to.

There was the obvious 'baby' which was used pretty frequently by the both of them. Chaeyoung had been the first one to use it and it had just accidentally rolled off of her tongue one day. They had been travelling around South Korea for about two weeks when she had first said it. They had just been walking back to their hotel room after dinner when a man across the other side of the parking lot had been walking a tiny little sausage dog with a jumper on and when Roseanne had spotted the dog, she had taken hold of Lisa's arm and said in a slightly higher-pitched excited tone than usual, 'Oh my god, baby, look how cute that dog is'. It was fair to say that the Thai had taken no notice of the tiny dog with an equally as tiny pink sweater on as all she had focused on was how causally the word 'baby' had fallen off of Chaeyoung's tongue in reference to her and how right it had felt for her to call her that. After that day, the word 'baby' had become the most frequently used word to refer to each other by but there were also a few more that were used occasionally.

'Sweetheart' was a word that Lisa often used when Chaeyoung was sad or upset. It was more delicate, more caring, she thought than 'baby' so, every time Roseanne cried or was just feeling a little down, Lisa would always call her 'sweetheart' and that usually seemed to put a small smile on Roseanne's face, not matter how upset she was.

'Roseanne' although not really a nickname, rather Chaeyoung's actual name, was used by Lisa on occasions too. Rosie didn't hate her name, not at all, especially when it fell from Lisa's lips. Lisa just rarely called her that. When Lisa said her full name, it was almost like a fresh start.

The first time Chaeyoung had heard Lisa say her full name was when she had been holding onto her passport at the airport whilst they were waiting to check in for their flight to Australia. Lisa had opened Roseanne's passport to look at her picture, even though Chae had insisted that she didn't need to see it because she looked awful in it but to pass the time in the long queue and to distract them both from the reason behind why they were actually taking that flight together, Lisa had ignored Roseanne's playful pleas and opened up her passport.

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