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The rain caught them on their way back from the park.  The sky had been gray and grumbly, yet still didn't quite look like a storm, so Lisa and Roseanne had no reason to not be taking their time when the downpour hit.  Racing across campus, soaked within seconds like all the others who had been out with them, the two reached the school building and dripped their way into the dorm room.  Lisa didn't know what it was about her best friend's bewildered expression that was drawing a laugh out of her, but laugh she did.

"Very funny, Lis.  I don't see your personally designed top forming a small puddle at your feet," Chaeyoung pouted, pushing wet hair out of her eyes.

"No, you don't," Lisa chuckled.

She dropped her backpack right there onto the middle of the floor and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving a cold and clammy Roseanne in her wake, clothes sticking uncomfortably to her.  Then, everything went dark for Roseanne as a towel was thrown around her head and shoulders and Lisa started to dry her off.

"You pull off the sopping look so well," The Thai chuckled, the sound muffled to Roseanne's ears.

"That isn't a look."

Lisa spun her around, toweling the ends of Roseanne's hair.  She was admittedly a little mesmerized by the darkening of the color when it was drenched, so pinkish blonde now it was closer to strawberry blonde.  Lisa's gaze lazily shifted from Roseanne to the windows, misting over from the storm.

"Guess we're rained in," she noted.

"Good, now you won't have any excuses to avoid your homework."

"Do you know me, like, at all?  I will find an excuse."

Stubborn little droplets of rain dripped into Chaeyoung's face and eyes, making her blink crazily and jump from the cold sting until Lisa dried her off there too.

"We should get changed," The the dark haired girl said, carefully wiping Chaeyoung's chipmunk-like cheeks.

The Australian just nodded enthusiastically, agreeing wholeheartedly with the suggestion.

The temperature dropped with the rain as the girls changed into matching Seoul University hoodies, and after Lisa had settled back against the headboard of her bed with the tv and her backpack, a still shivering Roseanne emerged from the bathroom, straightening out her hoodie.  Lisa practically heard the chattering teeth from all the way across the room.

"Rosie?" she said curiously, hand frozen mid-reach into her backpack.

"...Not quite warm yet," even Chaeyoung's laugh chattered, and she started to climb onto her bed before Lisa's voice stopped her.

"Come here."

Chaeyoung didn't need any more convincing than that, shuffling across the room and crawling up beside Lisa on her bed.  Lisa's arm was around her in a second, and Roseanne turned herself to hug her like a stuffed animal.

"You're warm," she hummed, snuggling into Lisa's chest.

"And you're really cold," The younger girl felt the chill coming off her best friend in waves.

"T-Tell me about it."

Lisa kept her arm right there around Chaeyoung while her free hand took the remote and flipped channels, just turning on something for noise before skillfully retrieving her binder from the backpack pocket one-handed.

Rosie's eyes fluttered shut as Lisa started on her homework, lulled into sleepiness by the sound of the tv.  She shook herself out of it after a few minutes with a deep inhale, blinking her eyes before blearily focusing on the tv.

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