{mother's day}

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A/N: It's not Mother's day but.... Whatever right? Credits go to the original author ❤️


This day never really meant anything to Lisa, aside from the last couple of years after opening the studio. Mother's Day weekend was one of her busiest times of the year. This was not something she predicted in the first year open, both her and Roseanne simply forgetting Lisa lived in a world where this was a big deal.

That day was Lisa's first real lesson in what it means to run a business, only open for a fresh two months, and she quickly learned to have extra stock for this day.

But before the two opened the shop, they'd spend this day puzzled, wondering why it was so hard to get in anywhere for brunch, until one of them realized, or a sweet but overwhelmed hostess would kindly inform them of the day.

This day was always a strange one for Lisa especially, whenever she took the time to dwell on it, the Thai's mother left her so young. She hadn't heard a single thing about her since she was so small, and days like this always made her feel like there was so much on this earth that was just not made for her.

This day was always a strange one for Rosie, too. Her never knowing if she should call her mother, after months of silence on both ends, her contentious relationship with obligation scratching its nails through her instincts. Lisa would tell her it was just a day, and she didn't have to call if she didn't want to. She never did, but it would still weave tension into her shoulders, still sew stress into her routines. It would take her a few days to shake out, too, for her to forget that it felt like she did something wrong, the echoes of it resonating deep inside of her.

Last year, this day came and went with a new sort of curiosity, though, a strange apprehension for joy. Stuck in a limbo of not quite one, but not really the other yet either, with Roseanne fit to burst at any second; '10 months pregnant,' as she described it with a groan any time she had to stand up.

Last year, Roseanne was home resting and waiting, and Lisa was at work, taking photos for a mother and daughter but always within a one meter radius of the phone just in case Chaeyoung called, and let her trusted associate, Joy, run the show. She would be in charge of the business while Lisa and Roseanne got settled when the baby came, and the Thai knew she would be great, but that day showed her that she made a great decision when she put her trust in Joy.

It was still two weeks until Mina came last year after this day, late in May, a strange mix of joy and terrible fear all at once until Chaeyoung woke up and Lisa truly, for the first time, felt like Mina was hers, when the younger woman saw the beautiful baby safe and snug in Rosie's arms.

But this year, with their baby almost one year old, with her running around the apartment with a new ecstatic knowledge of what her legs are for, with her few intentional sounds starting to sound like words, with her little chunky fingers pointing to things she wants, Lisa start to feel like this day could mean something else. This day could be something better.

None of them made plans. The studio would be bursting with spring and with brightness already, and Roseanne was actually so much better at making Mother's Day decorating than Joy was, and Lisa decided she didn't need anything different. Mina was still so young, and Lisa normally would bring her to daycare or have a sitter stay with her at home on a day as busy as this, but the dark haired girl decided she still wanted to be with her, because she was still figuring out what this day means for her, but Lisa knew that it has to include the three of them, together. So she brought their baby to the studio, and had their full staff in to help with the morning rush.

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