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Lisa is sprawled on Chaeyoung's bed, tapping her foot against the wall while she waits for her girlfriend to finish packing for their weekend at Jensoo's. She might be a little impatient, but to be fair, she's just spent 2 hours on a plane sans Chaeyoung, so—maybe a little more than impatient.

She's napping, hypothetically, something she demanded the second she got near enough to Roseanne at the airport, but she keeps sneaking peeks at the blonde through her eyelashes, still too caught up with missing her.

It strikes her now that she hasn't gotten a very proper kiss hello yet and Minnie, Chaeyoung's roommate, is still out.

Just as Lisa's pulling herself up, about to rectify this awful situation she's found herself in, one hour in Seoul and still without a proper make-out session with the girlfriend she hasn't seen in weeks, Chaeyoung whips around, panicked.

"Rosie?" Lisa asks, bolting upright. "What's wrong?"

Chaeyoung glances at her for a second, muttering, "My phone's missing," before she goes back to rifling through her bag and undoing all of the meticulous folding she's spent the last half hour doing.

"Call it from mine," Lisa says back, nodding to her own phone, perched on the shelf of Roseanne's desk.

"You're a lifesaver, Lili," her girlfriend says, scooping up the other phone as Lisa reclines again, throwing her arm over her eyes and resigning herself to remaining kiss-less for the foreseeable future.

When it gets eerily still, Lisa peeks out from behind her arm. Chaeyoung's giving her this moony look, this achingly sweet smile—it's not that Lisa doesn't like being on the receiving end of such a look, she just has no idea what she's done to bring it on.

"What?" The Thai asks, running through an inventory of her phone's contents in her head. Passcode? Technically it's a combo of their anniversary and Lisa's mom's favorite number, but Chaeyoung's programmed into her TouchID. Her lock screen is them with Lisa's cat Luis, so is her home—

"You call me home?" Chaeyoung cooes, nearly a whisper and then Lisa's blushing incredibly hard, beet red she's sure, because that is—it's a long story, really, happened sometime during her first week of classes when she missed Roseanne so much it hurt, when she struggled to sleep without her even breathing beside her.

"I, ah—," she stammers, even when the answer is simple—and Lisa's not embarrassed by this in the slightest, not really, because they've both known that they're it for each other, have known for a very long time, so this isn't—it's not—

Lisa's saved from her own speeding train of thought by something vibrating against her side. Sitting up, she fishes Chaeyoung's phone out from under the covers and holds it up with a sheepish smile.

"Found i—mph!" Lisa starts, cut off mid-sentence by Chaeyoung, suddenly very close, suddenly cradling her face and kissing her sweetly, deeply.

"Hi," Chaeyoung breathes when she pulls away. "I've gotta do one quick thing and then we can go."

Still a little dizzy from their kiss—a little dizzy from Roseanne, still, after all these years, if Lisa is honest, she nods and gives no resistance when Chaeyoung slips the phone out of her hand. After a few moments, she asks, "What's so important that we aren't kissing anymore?"

So maybe she sounds a little petulant. She has been kiss-less for quite some time.
Chaeyoung flips her phone to face Lisa then, grinning ear to ear and Lisa can't deny the warmth that overtakes her, sets her ablaze when she sees her picture and the word home next to it.

"We needed to match," Chaeyoung says.

Instead of saying something—because Roseanne's always so much better with words, better at saying just the right thing—Lisa plucks the phone out of Roseanne's hand, leaning around her to drop the pair onto the stack of textbooks that the blonde uses as a bedside table. And then, grinning, Lisa yanks Chaeyoung towards her, toppling her onto the bed, onto Lisa.

"I'm feeling a little homesick," Lisa murmurs, dropping one hand to Chaeyoung's hip, the other coming up to trace the line of her jaw.

She shivers when Roseanne turns into her touch, pressing a kiss to her palm. Lips ghosting over the soft skin. "You are?"

Lisa nods; Chaeyoung settles into the cradle of Lisa's hips, reaching up to hold the dancer's hand, pulling it up to rest beside her head. Brushing her thumb across Lisa's cheekbone, fingers trailing, her hair creating a curtain between them and the rest of the world, Chaeyoung whispers, "Then come home."

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