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A/N: So.. there's this very pretty girl in my class and she keeps distracting me during exams with the way her beautiful hair shines and how her big dark eyes twinkle and- I totally DIDNT google her zodiac sign so i could figure out how much well we would work as a couple... NO.

I'm so awkward.... just like Lisa is in this fic (((: enjoooy!


Lisa's life was pretty miserable on a day to day basis but today was just cruel. It started off normal enough which meant waking up extra early to avoid her mother in the morning. Except for whatever fucking reason her mother was already awake. That had been the first bad sign - her mother hated mornings (as did Lisa) and it probably meant Lisa had done something wrong again. Except Lisa's not always sure she's actually doing things wrong; she's starting to think her mother just likes being mad.

Thinking about that too much gets confusing though so she brushes off the "am I a shitty kid or is she a shitty mom?" debate and tries to slip out of the house before being spotted. Of course she doesn't make it though because the angry Thai woman seems to always know everything. Seriously, it's creepy and Lisa isn't convinced that her house isn't riddled with cameras. Anyway, Lisa was right.

Her mother was in a horrible mood (is she ever not?) and lectured Lisa in all the ways she wasn't living up to expectations, blah blah. Lisa stopped listening years ago. She finally managed to make her escape after giving all of the rehearsed responses ("I'm sorry for being such a burden" "Of course, Mother" "I'll do better") but the whole thing  made her miss the early bus so she had to walk to the train. Which wouldn't really have been that big of an issue except - she was tired and wanted to sleep more hence the bus. Whatever.

The walk itself ended up not actually being that bad, kind of almost nice, and everything was going fine again up until she got off the train. That's when Lisa realized she left her fucking bag on her seat. Now she kind of wanted to cry because like - Lisa doesn't own a lot but she liked that bag. Even worse her camera was inside and it wasn't like full the best camera ever or anything but any lost art, at all, makes Lisa really want to cry.

Lisa doesn't cry though and especially not in fucking public so she does what she's best at and pretends she doesn't care. Except she's so exhausted and okay she still sort of has the "am I the problem or is my mother? Or is it both?" debate in her head even if she really doesn't want to and she really cared about the cat shot she had been snapped last night and - well it's harder than usual to shrug everything off.

She was running behind her usual schedule but because of her typical early morning starts anyway she still had enough time before class to get coffee and Lisa was certain that if she didn't get coffee in the next 5 minutes she going to actually cry. And that would be really bad because again - Lisa doesn't cry. That's like basically admitting defeat and she won't give her mother that satisfaction. Vaguely, she's aware that these are like, not normal mother daughter thoughts but she doesn't have time for that this morning.

The line at the coffee shop was so long Lisa briefly considered skipping it all together but after having thought about it for more than one second - yeah she needed this.

So she waited (and waited and waited) and did her best not to make eye contact with anyone but luckily everyone else was sick of being awake in the morning and no one was feeling very chatty. Some guy already seated at a table was staring at her though and like, okay she knows she pulls a lot of attention with her none-Korean face and loud style but it was creepy and she was so not in the mood to be stared at by some guy so that made her uncomfortable the whole time.

When it was finally Lisa's turn at the registershe asked for a simple iced coffee and did her best not to snap at the nice barista who had probably never done anything wrong in their life. She reached for her wallet in her bag and then - oh my god.The wallet was in her bag. Her bag that was on a train going who knows where. She could tell the exact moment the barista figured out what was going on because they gave Lisa the saddest most pitying look and she wanted to shrivel up and die. She must have looked like she was on the verge of a fucking breakdown because the barista actually paid for her drink and Lisa promised to definitely come back again the next day.

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