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"You look like a fool right now." Lisa smirked as she watched Jisoo stumble backwards, her feet stepping against the smooth hardwood.

"A fool, or like Michael Myers?" Jisoo abruptly stopped, the bottle of red wine in her hands splashing out a tiny amount of alcohol that spilled all over her white dress.

"I think you mean Michael Jackson, you fuckin' weirdo." Lisa laughed and quickly stood up from the couch. She grabbed the bottle of wine from Jisoo and rested it down onto the side table beside the couch.

"I mean, aren't they really the same at the end of the day?" Jisoo slurred.

"Hey-" Roseanne hiccuped. Her body swayed back and forth as she held onto her own bottle of wine, "never insult the king of pop in front of me or we're going to have words."

Jisoo threw her hands up and fell back onto the sofa beside Jennie. "I think it's best if you stay seated for a while, baby." Jennie patted her girlfriend's knee.

"Besides, you weren't doing it properly anyways." Roseanne took another drink from her bottle of wine. "There's a certain approach to moonwalking that you just weren't following."

"And what's that?" Jisoo crossed her arms.

"Well, gliding as opposed to walking is a start." Lisa, the dancing machine, rolled her eyes.

"Plus, you need to glide and not walk." Chaeyoung chimed in.

"Didn't I just say that?" Lisa looked over at Jennie, suprisingly the only sober person in the room.

"Let me finish," Roseanne yelled with her finger pressed against Lisa's mouth.

"Let her finish," Jennie leaned forward and whispered, a crooked smile formed on her lips.

"God, go on then. Tell us."

"How about I show you?" Roseanne hiccuped once again, stumbling forward into Lisa's arms.

"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea, Chae." Lisa held onto Roseanne's shoulders.

"Trust me, I got this. Joy and I spent a summer learning the moonwalk back when we were thirteen." Chaeyoung beamed.

"Okay," Lisa sighed. She let go of Roseanne's arms and took a small step back.

"First," Roseanne shouted. "You need to have socks on." She looked down at her feet and smiled proudly. "Check."

"Oh bloody hell," Lisa mumbled.

"Second." Chaeyoung walked to the end of the room and turned away from the three of them. "You place one foot directly in front of the other and stand on the toes-" She wobbled as she followed her own instructions, "of your back leg, which is my right foot."

"Rosie," Lisa warned.

"I have this, shush." Roseanne hiccuped as she spun herself around, nearly falling as she did so. "Please take a seat and pay attention, I'll be grading you all on participation."

"Fuckin' hell," Lisa rubbed her temples as she sat down on the other side of Jennie who was very amused by the bickering of her younger best friends.

"You have to keep your balance," Roseanne turned to face away again. She swayed back and forth as her back foot went back to standing on its toes.

"She's not keeping her balance," Jisoo shouted as she pointed an accusing finger in her direction.

"This isn't actually school, Chichu. No need to be a smart ass nerd." Lisa huffed. "Drunken nerd," she muttered, flinching away when Jennie slapped her arm.

"Then-" Another hiccup cut her off, "you slide your left heel back and in towards the floor." Chaeyoung slurred.

Lisa watched with one eye closed as Roseanne attempted to slide her heel back but nearly fell over.

"Next you snap the heel of your left foot up off the floor as you stimu-" Chaeyoung paused and scrunched her face, "stim-u-tane." She sighed and closed her eyes.


"Simultaneously, babe." Jennie encouraged her with a soft smile.

"Right, what Jen said." Roseanne repositioned herself. "You stimultaneously snap the heel of your right foot down at the same time." She repeated proudly.

Lisa choked out laughter, quickly coughing into her hand to cover the sound as Chaeyoung looked back at her. "Sorry, carry on." She mumbled.

"Then you repeat, switching the roles of your left and right foot." Chaeyoung's eyes focused on the ground as her back foot stood on its toes, switching to rest flat on the floor when her front foot slid easily back onto its toes. "And that's how you moonwalk."

Lisa watched in pure amazement as Chaeyoung drunkenly moonwalked her way past the sofa, towards the other end of the room.

"Impressive." Lisa's jaw was slightly agape, immediately transitioning into a smirk as Rosie hiccupped and her back bumped into the wall.

"Ow," the blonde grumbled. "It's these damn-" Her words were cut off by another hiccup as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Right, well time to get some water in you."

Lisa got up from the couch and walked out of the room, cringing as she heard Jisoo yelling behind her.

"That's it, my turn." Jisoo clapped her hands. "Prepared to be moonstruck by my moonwalking skills."

Lisa reached into the cupboard above the sink and felt a pair of hands quickly grab at her waist. "Shit," she jumped and quickly pulled her hand away from above.

"I'm s- so sorry," Chaeyoung stammered. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"S'alright," Lisa smirked when Roseanne's body jerked from a silent hiccup. "Though technically I should be the one scaring you because-" Lisa's words were lost as Roseanne leaned forward and gently kissed her, the taste of sour wine and mango chapstick overloading her senses as she felt the softness of Roseanne's luscious lips moving in sync with her own.

"Rosie," Lisa pulled back. "What are you-"

"I figured if I could do the moonwalk drunk, I could also finally kiss you." Chaeyoung cut her off. "Sorry I should have-"

"No," Lisa shook her head. "Please, continue with being brave." She smiled against Roseanne's lips as she was pulled closer in.

Laughter broke out between them as another hiccup cut the kiss short. "Should really get you that glass of water." Lisa smiled. "And maybe try this again when we're both sober?"

"Would love to." Roseanne smiled.


A/N: credits go to raginage at AO3

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