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It was a comfy evening at the Blackpink form. Jisoo had suggested that the four girls have a chat together over a bottle of wine in the kitchen before the evening was up.

Roseanne was the last to arrive at the kitchen table as she placed herself in the seat beside Lisa. Jennie and Jisoo were sat comfortably beside each other opposite them and four half-filled glasses of red wine sat on the table top.

Jisoo cleared her throat dramatically. "I actually wanted to get us all together to have a chat."

Rosie and Jennie looked at the girl with concern.

Lisa seemed to be more interested in the glass in front of her than Jisoo. She could always tell when something was actually wrong with the girl but Lisa found that, more often than not, Jisoo was just being dramatic. No doubt on purpose, she would think to herself.

"I was browsing the internet last night and-"

"Don't tell me you started an OnlyFans, Jisoo!" Lisa interrupted, though Roseanne couldn't quite tell if it was a joke or not.

She assumed by Lisa's stupid smirk that it probably was, yet Chaeyoung couldn't quite help but imagine Jisoo being quite popular with some people. She was very beautiful, and who doesn't love someone who can make jokes? She asked herself.

Jisoo glared at the black haired girl opposite her. "No, Nallalisa!" A smug grin began to grow across the girl's face.

"Though, I do have the buns for it."

Lisa sighed, disappointed that she set the older girl up.

"Right, out with it then, or I'm off before I 'have to hear another one of those."

"Don't interrupt me then! This is serious." Jisoo leaned over to push Lisa by the shoulder like a playful sibling who was down to their last nerve.

"Right, so I was online, not doing anything in particular and-", she paused when she saw the three women at the table watching her with looks of curiosity, eyebrows raised, waiting.

"Fine, I may have been Googling my own name, but that's beside the point." Jisoo looked down at her hands as Rosie and Lisa snickered at her and Jennie let out a small breath she was holding, rolling her eyes.

"So, there's this thing called fanfiction, where people on the internet write weird fiction stories about stuff that already exists, Movies and TV shows and the like. Well, sometimes they write about real people too..." She could tell she was beginning to lose the three women with her rambling. "Anyway, the point is, there's a bunch of fanfiction about us."

"What?" Lisa gave an almost disbelieving laugh.

"Yeah, people are writing stories about us. I'm talking making up our futures, our pasts, writing about us in really weird situations like if we were all dating or if Jennie was actually a vampire..."

"Well, that's wonderful." Jennie said with a single laugh, cutting Jisoo off.

"Gotta admit Jen, you are pretty scary."

Lisa joked with a wink, causing Jennie to roll her eyes with a smile.

"So that stuff is bad enough, but it gets worse. When I say 'writing about us', I actually mean mostly the two of you." Jisoo looked between the Australian and the Thai as she silenced herslef with her glass of wine. The two women were sat silently with equal looks of confusion.

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