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Roseanne had decided that she wanted to cross another thing off of her bucket list.

She had convinced a rather hesitant Lisa that the next thing she wanted to do was donate a generous portion of her long dark locks to charity, and maybe diy her hair blonde.

Lisa was especially nervous about the hair cutting decision as she has only ever given Rosie trims every six months. She had no experience with drastic haircuts but, she was always willing to do anything for Roseanne.

Especially if she was contributing to this brave, kindhearted act.

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Roseanne is sat by the kitchen sink with a sheer sheet draped over her shoulders while Lalisa delicately braids Rosie's long dark hair, starting it low enough so it could still be tied up into a ponytail once it's cut.

As Lisa secures the braid with a thin, white hair tie, she places her hands on Roseanne's shoulders, giving them a gentle massage. "Sure you wanna do this baby?"

A beat doesn't pass before Rosie enthusiastically nods and turns her head to face her nervous girlfriend behind her.

"I'm sure, this has been something on my bucket list for years, and It'll grow back. C'mon Lisa, lets do it!"

Moments later, Lisa lifted the scissors with caution and gently snipped off the eight-inch braid, dark brown strands now stopping halfway down her neck and cascading loosely around Rosie's face.

Lisa then held the long braid to her heart and while Roseanne picked up a hand mirror to look at her new bob cut, she could see the black haired beauty behind her, quietly sobbing, trying to hold back new tears from cascading down her cheeks. Rosie thought of all the possibilities of why her girlfriend could be crying.

Did she accidentally cut it too short?
Too uneven?

Before Rosie had the chance to ask her girlfriend what was wrong, Lisa tearfully spoke up. "All your pretty long hair, Rosie,"
she pauses to let out another sniffle. "God Chae, you have a heart of gold. This - this is gonna go to some child out there, who is gonna be honoured to receive beautiful dark hair like yours. I'm so proud of you."

She hands Rosie the braid as she smiles lovingly at her girl.

Chae turns around again and gives Lisa a kiss on the cheek and swipes a thumb under her eye, catching any tears threatening to fall.

"Now, turn back around, I reckon I have to fix the back, it looks like a horse hacked it off."

Rosie let out a small chuckle at Lisa's comment and turned back around as the Thai got to work again.

Once Roseanne's hair was properly and neatly trimmed, Lisa then got to work on Chae's bangs, making sure they framed her face nicely. After each strand of hair was trimmed, it fell back into Roseanne's face, causing her to giggle.

"What's so funny Chipmunk?"

"Just tickles is all"

"You are too cute Rosie baby, too cute I don't know what to do sometimes"

When Lisa was finished, she took out her polaroid camera and instructed the Australian to hold up her braid as she snapped a quick photo of her, smiley and content with her new haircut. A photo - a memory never to be forgotten.

Later on, as the pair were getting ready for bed, Lisa was brushing her teeth while Roseanne was stood beside her at the bathroom sink, observing her new hair.

"It's so short but, it actually looks nice, thank you for doing this for me" says Roseanne as she combs her brush through the unfamiliar short length.

Lisa smiled bashfully and enveloped her girlfriend in a hug from behind. "Definitely will take some time to get used to Rosie, but you look insanely adorable, and you're welcome baby, anytime you need your hair done, I'm your girl"

"You're my girl Lili, you're my girl."


A/N: this one, even though it's super cute, was so hard for me to convert!!! I love Rosie's long hair and even though I know they use a lot of hair extensions on her and her real hair is probably a lot shorter than what we see.... I still love the look on her. I think, even though Rosie might look very cute with super short hair... I WOULD CRY IF SHE GOT SUPER SHORT HAIRCUT 😭😭😭

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