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A/N: Hai guys! Missed you <3 I should be posting more often, exam month is over now <3


There is, Lisa thinks, a special mix of annoying and embarrassing that can only be achieved when a bunch of boys are together and one of them is trying to impress a girl.
This is multiplied tenfold when all the boys are trying to impress the same girl, in some morbid competition to see who can get her number first.

"Can all of you just shut up and decide what you want to eat?" Lisa runs the fingers of her right hand through her hair, already exasperated even though they're only about ten minutes into their little dinner outing.

She knew it was a bad idea from the beginning but the promise of food was just too alluring.

BamBam, who's arguably the most mellow out of all of them and probably isn't in on this whole shenanigan, considering he already has a girlfriend, immediately picks up a menu, and, when Lisa glares at Jimim, Ten, and Jungkook, they all do the same.
"I don't care what happens, but if any of you get us kicked out because you're flirting with the waitress, I am going to personally make sure that none of you live to graduate college."

Lisa picks up her own menu, languidly flipping through the pages even though she already knows what she's going to get: one tuna melt with a double serving of tater tots and a vanilla milkshake.

The waitress (who is very pretty, even though Lalisa would never admit it out loud) comes meandering back over and is smiling brightly as she whips out her notepad.

"Hi, I'm Roseanne, and I'll be taking care of you today, are you guys ready to order?"

Jimin, who's sitting at the edge of the booth, directly opposite Lisa who's occupying the other end, smiles his trademark grin as he puts his menu down.

"Yes ma'am, we sure are," he drawls.

To her credit, Roseanne barely reacts, instead jotting down their orders in some form of shorthand, cycling through the rest of the boys before settling on Lisa.

"And, last but not least, how about you?"

Lisa rattles off her order quickly, hoping that if Roseanne leaves as fast as possible, then none of the boys can attempt anything stupid and embarrass her more than they already have simply by existing.

No such luck.

The blonde's just leaving when Jimin speaks up again. "And if I might add, you're looking lovely tonight ma'am."

"Oh, thank you." Roseanne smiles uncertainly, gaze bouncing between all of them before landing on Lisa, who mouths an apology and shrugs, hoping to convey the fact that she is in no way responsible for the actions of these three idiots.

"I'll have your orders out in a bit," she finally says, and she surreptitiously pats Lisa on the shoulder as she leaves, as if to say she totally understands.

"Maybe you guys should leave her alone," BamBam says, as soon as Roseanne disappears into the kitchen.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree." Lisa leans back in her seat, absentmindedly picking a pencil out from behind her ear and doodling on her napkin. "She's here to work and earn money, not deal with you assholes."

"Well, this asshole is getting her number by the end of the night," Jimin says, looking extremely satisfied with himself. "First compliment is the best compliment."

"I don't know dude, didn't look like she was very interested." Jungkook picks up a straw and twirls it between his fingers. "I think you struck out."

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