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Lisa pulled the covers up and rolled over onto her side, staring across the room at the empty white sheets of the tidily made bed until she fell asleep. She missed Chaeyoung's breathing, it was hard to sleep without it, but somehow Lisa managed, and everything went dark as she slipped into her dreams.

Chaeyoung came back to the dorm a little past midnight, sneaking silently into the room, ever the picture of grace—until grace tripped over a pair of Lisa's boots in the dark and stumbled into a dresser. Lisa blinked her eyes open, alert for a split second before the sleepiness washed over her like a tidal wave. Despite her body's protests, she sat up, finding the shape of Chaeyoung in the dark.


"I'm sorry, Lisa," Chaeyoung whispered even though there was no need. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Lisa shook her head, brushed some hair out of her face.


Stepping over the boots this time around, Roseanne crossed the room to Lisa's bed, sitting down heavily on the edge of it. Lisa was suddenly hyperaware of the strange, contradicting way Chaeyoung's body seemed to radiate tight tension and sulking exhaustion at the same time. It showed in her sigh, as well.

"You sound like how I feel," Lisa told her. "Can't believe you got back so late."

Chaeyoung laughed tiredly.

"I can. You spend your nights dancing in the studio for hours and I drown myself in art. Nights are late and...and I still have school in eight hours."

The thought dawned on Roseanne, and she fought back a groan. So tired. So physically tired. But still, she carried herself. Sat up straight, shoulders back, head held high.

Until Lisa scooted forward and moved behind Roseanne, leaning in and pressing a sleepy kiss to the nape of her neck.

"You can let go," Lisa softly told her.

Another sigh from Chaeyoung, this one in relief, and then she was falling forward, letting her head loll and her shoulders slump. But her moment of relaxation was indeed a moment, the briefest of them, when she sat herself back up again and let loose yet another sigh.

"...I have to get ready for bed. I still have to change, take my makeup off, fix my hair..."

Grudgingly, she started to stand, but Lisa reached up to take her by the waist and sit her back down.

"Lali, come on, I have to—"

Chaeyoung shut up when Lisa's fingers were in her hair, tracing the shape of the braided bun Roseanne had styled her blonde in before leaving for her art studio. Lisa again came forward and kissed the back of her neck, then felt out the little crown pin slid into Chaeyoung's hair, being ever so careful with it as she took it out, knowing how much the small creation meant to her.

"Lis..." Chaeyoung hummed her name, the touch of her alone sending a wave of soothing heat from head to toe like being lowered into a warm bath.

Lisa was surprisingly adept at undoing Chaeyoung's braids, each finger soft and gentle with her weaving motions. She unbraided. Kissed the back of Roseanne's neck. Unbraided. Nuzzled into her shoulder. Unbraided. Kissed behind her ear. Brushed out her hair with her fingers. Wrapped an arm around Chaeyoung's waist and lightly tickled her stomach.

Roseanne leaned back against Lisa, suddenly so comfortable, so at ease. The Australian could've fallen asleep right then and there, heels and everything. Lisa allowed herself some time to close her eyes and bask in the feel of Roseanne against her, then went back to work.

It was like brushing through a cloud, Chaeyoung's perfect hair was so soft. Every now and then the smell of strawberry-scented shampoo would drift between them—a recent change Chaeyoung had made that Lisa was certainly not complaining about. Bit by bit she let down Roseanne's hair, giving her concentration a break every few seconds to watch rivers of rosy blonde spill past her shoulders and come to rest.

"...All done," Lisa whispered in her ear, slipping the crown pin into her hand.

"...Let me put my hair back up so you can do that again," Chaeyoung murmured.

Lisa's laugh was soft, a ghost of a laugh. She once again trailed her hand through Roseanne's hair, lightly scratching her scalp.

"I love you," Lisa said. She could feel Roseanne unwinding more and more every second.

"I love you, Lis," Chaeyoung said back, her voice heavy with sleep. "...Mm, I have to go get changed."

She made to stand up, but just like before, Lisa caught her beforehand, wrapping her arms around her waist in a hug, resting her chin on Roseanne's shoulder to just feel her warmth and smell that strawberry shampoo.

"...Hurry back."

"To you? Believe me baby, I will."


A/N: Credits goes to Heart_Seoul_Soshi ♥️

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