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It's hardest to get out of bed in the autumn.

Logic might suggest that winter would be more of a trial, given the frigid temperatures outside and warmth of a night's worth of body heat and thick comforters. But Lisa is out of bed like a shot in the winter months, flinging back the covers to all but sprint to a warm shower. There's something invigorating and slightly motivating about a dark, cold winter's day.

But in September and October, when the weather is sometimes still warm; when there's still sun streaming through the windows; and when Chaeyoung's hair is splayed out enough to catch it in the mornings—

Lisa has to almost physically throw herself out of bed on those days.

Days like today, if she's being honest, and she always tries to be.

Roseanne has a tendency to starfish over the course of a night, and the Thai usually wakes up with a hand on her face or a knee near her abdomen. Today, Chae's pinky has found its way almost entirely in Lisa's nostril. Lisa does her best Bewitched impression and scrunches her nose until Rosie's finger is dislodged.

The blonde is blissfully unaware of any change, sleeping peacefully, head squished deeply into her pillow. Lisa turns on her side, taking the first step to acknowledging that her day must start. There are curtains behind their bed, a dainty sheer rose color, which Chaeyoung picked (because of course she did) and Lisa approved (because of how prettily the sun filters through them, currently onto the blondes side of the bed).

The sun hasn't fully risen yet, but Rosie shines in any light. the Thai scoots a little closer, gently returns Roseanne's arm closer to a normal angle. If Chaeyoung is a starfish, Lisa is more like a barnacle, clinging to any bit of warmth and comfort once she finds a place to stay. Luckily, Rosie has so much of both to give.

She's close to a furnace in the mornings, and the younger girl could easily snuggle up to her back and fall asleep again, work be damned. She considers it for a moment, this morning and every one like it. How could she possibly leave when Rosie's skin is so warm and smooth; when the freckles on her back are so prominent in the muted colors of the dawn; when her hair is huge and sleep-ruffled and full of good memories?

Lisa wraps an arm around Roseanne's torso, pulls the covers over both of them, and denies herself the opportunity to sleep again by challenging herself to press kisses to Rosie's neck, to her back and ears and chin, as gently as she can without waking her.

She rarely makes it to three kisses before Chaeyoung stirs.

"S'it morning yet?" Rosie mumbles groggily into the bed.

"Technically"—a kiss—"it is."

"Don't like the sound of that." Roseanne sighs, heavy and content. "Technically means it's early."

"Also true."

"Do you have to"—she pauses to heave a gigantic yawn—"um." the blonde falls silent again. "Do you?" she repeats, just as hazily.

Lisa can't help grinning. "Do I have to what, baby?"

"You know." Chae exhales loudly. "Snap your photos of the sun, or whatever you were talking about last night."


"Can you stay a little longer?"

Lisa rests her forehead against the nape of Roseanne's neck, tickles her fingers near Rosie's belly button just to feel her softness. Chaeyoung hums something that would be a laugh, were she not still half-asleep.

"Yeah," Lisa whispers. "Always got a little bit, for you."


A/N: Credits go to whyyessitscar

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