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A/N: Haiii I am back with another cute short story <3 Hope you enjoy :)


A loud boom is what startled Chaeyoung out of her dreamless sleep. She immediately sat up, her blonde locks flying around her in a furry before she fell back to rest her head on her pillow. In her sleepy state, she hadn't realized why exactly she'd woken up, and was to tired to try and figure it out, so her eyes soon fell shut again. For a minute or two, the room was silent again, the only sounds were her soft breaths and her slow heart rate as she began to drift back into the realm of sleep. Just as she fell asleep again however, she heard it again, and her heartbeat skipped a beat before thumping wildly in her chest.

 She knew what it was this time, and her thoughts were only confirmed when she heard it again, followed by a streak of light that crossed the window just beside her bed. Now that she knew what had startled her awake, she curled herself up into a ball and threw the covers over her head, not even caring about the lamp she had accidentally knocked over in her hurried movement to shield herself from the war-like sounds raging outside.

 Chaeyoung didn't scare easily, but there was one thing, one thing that never failed to terrify her. It was completely ridiculous really, it was just a noise. As a child, she had listened to her mother stomping around their house, tearing things down, yelling at her for whatever she felt like was wrong for multiple years, but this terrified her way more than her mother ever did. She didn't know why, or how,maybe it was something that happened in her childhood that her brain had kept hidden from herbecause it knew she couldn't handle it, but for whatever reason, thunder never failed to scare Roseanne to no end. 

She felt the tears before she'd even realized they'd fallen, and as the storm continued to rage on outside, they fell even faster, and she tightened her grip around the covers, as if being buried under them would somehow make the noises go away. But it didn't. She didn't even know how long she'd been there, it could have been a minute, or several hours, but at that moment, she couldn't tell time, everything was frozen, the only things that existed were her and the thunder. 

That was until she heard another loud bang, a different one this time, and it just so happened to come from inside her dorm room that made her sob. At the moment, she hadn't realized It was the sound of the door being flung open so hard that it hit the wall, but it startled Chaeyoung out of her timeless state. Chaeyoung stayed still, but the tears had stopped, and she was holding her breath, waiting to see what would happen next. 

"...Rosie..." Now Roseanne's heart was hammering in her chest for a completely different reason. At first, she didn't move, didn't say anything, just laid there under the covers, seemingly lifeless. Then she heard the footsteps coming closer and closer, until she could hear them loud and clear, signalling they had stopped in front of her bed. Then the mattress dipped, as they sat down, and that was when Chaeyoung whimpered, before—slowly and carefully—lifted down the covers to reveal her tear-stained, puffy red-eyed, swollen-lip, state. 

The first thing she saw were the beautiful dark eyes staring back at her,  hair falling over shoulders in waves, and full lips, pulled into a frown of concern.  For a few seconds, both were staring at each other, unmoving, Lisa's eyes raking back and forth across the blonde's face in worry, until the it thundered loudily, the windows ratling and trees crackling from the force, the sound so loud and violent it fully caught both of their attention again. Chaeyoung immediately cupped her ears with her hands as her eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to block everything out, hissing. 

Almost instantly after her actions, she felt two arms close around her and pull her into a tight hold. And for a second, just for a split second, shewasn't afraid anymore. But again, only for a second, because than another thunder clap came and she squeaked before hiding her face in the crook of the other girl's neck. 

"Lili..." Chaeyoung choked out, fighting back another round of tears, and Lisa wordlessly held onto the trembling blonde haired girl even tighter, letting her know she was there and wasn't going anywhere. She had been in the dance studio working on a new piece when she first heard the thunder, and she had instantly dropped everything and ran back to the dorm she shared with the girl in her arms,knowing how afraid she was of the sound. Though it had only been about 5-10 minutes since the storm had started, she knew it would have felt like forever to Chaeyoung, not knowing how time worked when she got like this. 

"I'm right here, babygirl." She comforted her, before pulling away slightly so she could look into the redbrown eyes she loved so much. "How about we lie down, yeah? It'll be more comfortable." She suggested softly, and Chaeyoung simply nodded. 

So the two laid down, Roseanne's head resting against Lisa's chest, as Lisa's chin rested atop her head.Every time thunder hit, Chaeyoung would jump, or come in closer to Lisa, or pull away, or many other different things, but each time Lisa was there and would calm her down, running her hands through her hair, orwhispering softly to her, or pressing soft kisses to her forehead. And before either of them knew it,the storm had passed and it was just them, laying there together. 

Then the embarrassment crept in on Roseanne and she slowly pulled away from the embrace just enough to look up into Lisa's eyes. 

"I'm sorry Lis, I just-" she didn't even get to finish her apology before to soft pink lips brushed lightly against hers, and all thoughts went out the window.When Lisa pulled back, she pressed their foreheads together and let her eyes close as a content sigh escaped her lips.

 "Don't you dare apologize, Rosie, you have nothing to be sorry for." Lisa told her firmly.

 Chaeyoung didn't even have the energy to argue, as she lowered her head so it once again rested on Lisa'schest. "Can we... can we just go to sleep now?" She asked, eyes already closing, and voice beginning to fill with drowsiness. 

Lisa chuckled lightly as she brought her arms tightly around her girlfriend's waist. "Yeah, baby... get some rest, I love you." 

Chaeyoung hummed tiredly and mumbled a quiet 'love you too' as she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of Lisa's steady heartbeat, the soft fingers in her hair lullying her to sleep. Maybe she didn't know where or how she got this fear of thunder, but she knew that Lisa would always be there to get her through it. So she didn't have to worry anymore, she would always have Lisa to fall back on when she was hurt or worried. Whether it was about a storm, school, or anything else, Chaeoung would always have Lisa there for her, even if it was just something as simple as being by her side to get her though a storm. Just as much Chaeyoung would be there for her.


A/N: Credits goes to love_always_wins <3

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