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A/N: Credits go to crimsonandclover at A03 ❤️


It's not the paper cut that does it. Well, technically it is, the sharp inhale and the heavy "fuck" followed a few minutes later by barely contained sniffles Chaeyoung is not expecting to hear. It's not the papercut that does it but it's the papercut that finally brings everything to a head.

"Are you ok?" Roseanne's eyebrows crinkle together in concern. "Lisa?"

"Just a papercut," Lisa chokes out, voice strained.

"Let me see," Roseanne requests gently, holding out her hand and unsuccessfully trying to catch Lisa's eye as she places her own hand in Roseanne's palm, upturned to show off the reddened fingertip. Chaeyoung brings it closer to her face to inspect it.

"Think we might have to amputate," she jokes, pleased at Lisa's quiet snort of amusement in return. She brings it to her lips, presses a soft kiss over the injury.
"Better?" she asks.

Lisa looks at her with sad eyes, lip pouting dangerously. "No," she says quietly.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Lalisa shakes her head. "'s nothing," she says quietly. Then on looking up and catching Roseanne's eye she adds "just a long day. I'm tired and my back aches and my head hurts and I missed you all day and I'm being dramatic and you shouldn't have to deal with that after driving around the city all day."

"You don't want me to make you feel better?"

"You do that just by existing," Lisa says, heart-clenchingly honest.

"Let me look after you?" Roseanne requests, bringing a hand up to Lisa's chin, tilting her head back so she can look her in the eyes. "Please?"

Lisa sighs, leaning into her touch and closing her eyes and nodding her head slightly. Chaeyoung leans in and presses a gentle kiss to her lips, shuffling her body in closer so she can wrap her in a hug. She can feel Lisa's body relaxing against her, lets soothing hands glide over her back.

"Want me to run you a bath?" she asks, holding on for just a few seconds longer after Lisa nods yes.

Roseanne has an expensive bottle of bath oils she only uses when she's feeling particularly luxurious and she tips a generous amount under the running water, following it with a squeeze of bubble bath, watching the water foam and swirl until it reaches the right level. She returns to Lisa on the couch with the hot chocolate she'd made her before she'd left her to it, making sure she'd taken the painkillers she'd brought her as well before she takes her into the bathroom, making Lisa walk in front of her so she can wrap her arms around her middle and press kisses to the back of her shoulder as they make their way.

The Thai moves to take her shirt off when they reach the bathroom, fingers just brushing the hem when Roseanne stills her hands.

"Let me," she says quietly, tugging her clothes off carefully and placing kisses on her skin: the front of her shoulder, the inside of her wrist, the jut of her hipbone, the top of her knee and finally her lips and her cheek and her forehead, palms splayed across her back as she holds her.

Lisa sighs against her lips and wraps her arms around Rosie's back in return, the furrow between her eyebrows finally softening.

Chaeyoung holds her hand as Lisa steps into the bath, letting her sink beneath the bubbles and watching the warm water soothe her even further. She perches on the floor beside the tub, pressing kisses to Lisa's fingers as she watches her relax.

"Do you want to talk?" Roseanne asks. "Or I can read to you, if you like?"

"That sounds nice," Lisa nods at the second option. "I'm probably not great conversation at the moment anyway."

Roseanne picks up the book Lisa had been reading on the couch, the cause of the papercut that had finally burst this dam and brings it into the bathroom, leaning against the edge of the tub and linking her fingers with Lisa's free hand while she reads to her. The chapter is an easy one, words leaping off the page and into the air, Roseanne's voice clearly having a soothing effect on Lisa's tired, frazzled nerves.

When Lisa looks like she's about 5 seconds from nodding off, Roseanne leaves her with a quick kiss, picking up her towel and her pyjamas from the bedroom and tossing them in the dryer for a minute so they're toasty and warm. She dries and dresses Lisa when she gets back, wrapping her in warm fabric and her tender affection before leading her to the bedroom.

"Feeling better?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Much," Lisa says sleepily from where she's tucked under the blankets. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love," Roseanne says quietly, leaning over to press a kiss to her forehead.

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