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Drunk Lisa is a sight to behold.

It's a rare and beautiful thing that Roseanne is sure to treasure on the infrequent occasions Lisa allows herself to fall and trusts Roseanne enough to catch her. To see Lisa inebriated is sacred, or, at least, Chaeyoung thinks so. Because she is the only one who's seen Lisa drunk, face flushed and carefree laughter spilling from her lips. She's vulnerable here, alcohol having eroded the rings of fearsome walls she's built around her life, trusting Roseanne to protect her from any threats.

She's softer, more relaxed.

It's a good look on her, Roseanne thinks.

They're in the back room of their shared studio, reclining, legs propped up, on the ratty sofa they found at the second-hand store not three weeks prior.

The studio is quiet, the doors locked and the lights shut off. The plants sit in baskets and frames hung perfectly on the shell coloured walls. Empty drink trays decorate the countertop, a problem for tomorrow.

"You did it." Chaeyoung stares at the ceiling, her heart warm. Lisa's back is pressed comfortably against her front, and Roseanne twirls a strand of brown hair between her fingers as crickets chirp outside. The world is at peace.

"We did," Lisa hums. "We fucking did it. Business owners, the both of us." She barks a laugh and nuzzles her head into Chaeyoung's collarbone.

They'd just concluded a soft opening party for the studio, Lisa showcasing her photography talent by hanging up her best work on the walls. Small business owners and potential clients had wandered around of Lisa's precious talent as the woman herself flitted nervously on the outskirts to avoid the shower of compliments.

Roseanne had done most of the talking, offering up hors d'oeuvres and baked goods. As it turned out, despite her hot drink deficiency, she's a rather decent baker.

"Oh, these are just lovely!" Mrs. Windham from the bookstore down the way, had said, gushing over a couple of photographs.

"All Lisa," Chaeyoung had proclaimed proudly.

"Well, she has quite the gift."

"Doesn't she?" Lisa had met her eye from across the room, sipping on her second -- or third -- glass of champagne, and offered a small smile.

Roseanne doesn't begrudge her the drinks. Lisa has never been much of a people person, and who is Chaeyoung to judge if alcohol makes socialising just a bit less nerve-wracking? Besides, a buzzed Lisa is quite endearing, if Roseanne's being honest.

This is the part where Chaeyoung shines, in any case. Making connections comes naturally to her, or, at least, more naturally than it does for Lisa. Being a teacher, she had to be good at it. She always had a knack for cracking the toughest students, much to the bewilderment of her colleagues.

Half the time, the kid was just lonely.

Needed someone to talk to. Chaeyoung could relate.

It's a skill that's served her well in life and in her relationships.

Lisa stirs, and Roseanne wrinkles her nose, spluttering as brunette curls invade her mouth.

"Hey, easy there-" she finds herself silenced by a bruising kiss. "Um," she blinks up at the younger girl, who's looking down at her with a dopey smile, "hello?"

"Why're you dressed like that?" Lisa drawls.

Roseanne surveys her outfit, though her investigation lacks scope on account of her incredibly attractive girlfriend straddling her lap. "Um. Does that mean it looks good, or should I change?"

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