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Lingering touches, tension-filled stares, and a deep ache in Lisa's chest are what lead up to their first kiss. When Roseanne's lips finally press against hers, Lisa is flooded with so much relief. For so long, it had felt like Lisa had been pulled taut. Now, she can breathe freely.

When they pull apart, Lisa sees that Roseanne's eyes are full of unshed tears and a second later, she feels the dampness on her face from her own tears.

Lisa had always seen Chaeyoung as someone who was off-limits, someone who she could only admire from afar. But now, she can do it: she can hold her hand, she can be around her as much as she wants, she can kiss her. Lisa can kiss Roseanne. The thought of it alone is enough to make a rush of butterflies erupt in her stomach.

Lisa loves taking Chaeyoung's lower lip between her own. She likes to suck lightly before pulling it between her teeth and biting gently. Sometimes, Chaeyoung lets out a small whine and it clears Lisa's mind of every thought but the girl in front of her.

In the beginning, Lisa is hesitant in placing her hands on Roseanne when they kiss, still in a little disbelief that any of this is even happening. But soon, Lisa becomes more sure of herself. She places her hand on the side of her face and feels the slight movements of Roseanne's jaw under her fingers. She places them on Chaeyoung's neck and tugs softly at the hairs at its nape. She wraps her hands around Chaeyoung's waist and pulls her closer.

Lisa learns that Rosie's favourite way to kiss her is while sitting on her lap. Lisa's cognitive functions never fail to stop in their tracks when Chaeyoung lifts a leg over her thighs and leans in to kiss her, flooding all of her senses. Lisa loves how close they can be in that position and her heart blooms at the comforting weight on her thighs.

Lisa always pulls Chaeyoung into a kiss after defeating a any struggle and stressful obstacles life may throw in their way. It's to celebrate the fact that they're safe and to remind herself that they survived (although there has been no reports of students dying after final exams) but also because Chaeyoung has a very specific taste after those encounters. It's after one such instance that Lisa finally tells her about it. She all but looses herself in the kiss and when she pulls back, she lets her forehead rest against Roseanne's.

"You always taste like the burnt edges of a marshmallow when you're stressed." And it's true, even when Roseanne promises she absolutely did not get in Lisa's secret stash of mini marshmallows she hides in the second drawer of her dresser.

"Really?" Chaeyoung gives her a confused, innocent look, still a bit breathless from the kiss.

"Yeah." Lisa smiles. "I really like it."

She can see a hundred thoughts running behind Roseanne's eyes, so she distracts her, going in for another kiss, and then another and another.

Roseanne's hands often wind their way into Lisa's hair when they kiss, and Lisa is weak for it. That light scrape of blunt nails against her scalp has Lisa suppressing small moans and pressing even closer to Rosie.

Some days, any small movement brings Lisa's attention to Chaeyoung's lips. Her tongue darts out to lick them or she presses them together in that overwhelmingly cute way she tends to, and all Lisa wants is to pull her up to her room and kiss her until her lips are kiss-bruised and her pupils are blow wide.

Lisa looks forward to Rosie coming out of a classroom, confident and happy as she's absolutely positive she aced another exam. She looks forward to it because it means Roseanne meets her at their apartment and gives her a small smile and leans closer. It means she places a hand on the side of Lisa's face and pulls her towards her. It means Lisa gets to feel Chaeyoung press their lips together and the tug of happiness that accompanies it.

There's this bubbling sort of happiness that Lisa feels whenever she and Roseanne are laughing together. She kisses her then too. It isn't anything more than a press of lips that are struggling to stifle giggles, but it makes Lisa's heart melt all the same.

When Lisa kisses Roseanne, she finds that all her surroundings dissolve to nothing. On one occasion, Lisa doesn't notice that it had started raining until she pulls away for a second and is met with the sight of Roseanne's hair that is plastered to her face. And the rain doesn't make her rush for cover. She watches the droplets sliding down Roseanne's face, before leaning back in and tasting the fresh rain on her lips. The water is soaking through her clothes and chilling her skin but the warmth of her lips against Chaeyoung's and the heat Lisa feels on every inch of skin that's touching her more than makes up for it.

There are times when Lisa feels like she's living in the third person, watching someone else live her life. But when Roseanne's lips are on hers, she feels completely and utterly grounded.


A/N: credits goes to someone absolutely wonderful that I forgot to write their name down D:

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