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A/N: Sorry for the wait guys, life stole me for a bit :3 <3 please enjooooy! 


When Lisa's and Roseanne's feelings flare, the emotional flames threaten to burn. 

 It happens when there is no space between. When rain dances across the windows of their dorm, creating a tap-tap-tap rhythm that waltzes through the silence. When the heater gusts its warm breath across their skin. Chaeyoung's skin and Lisa's, contrasting tones of copper and ivory. When Chaeyoung pushes her feet beneath Lisa's sheets and gazes into Lisa's deep chocolate eyes. The world is alive in these moments. When they twine together in Lisa's bed. When Lisa's breath splashes across Roseanne's lips. When their argument of five minutes earlier is a distant hum of memory. Chaeyoung's throat is still tired from her shouts. 

"If you want to spend time with me, Lis, then why do you keep disappearing every time I'm anywhere nearby?!" 

Lisa's eyes flashed with fire. "You don't get it, do you?" 

She stalked towards Chaeyoung, a Thai girl on the crossroads of rage. "I can't be near you, Rosie." 

Roseanne flung out her hands. "You want to be near me. You can't be near me. You're right, Lalisa. I don't get it." 

But she did get it. She'd gotten it for weeks. Each time Lisa disappeared. Each time Chaeyoung slipped into Lisa's space between. On movie nights, when they sat impossibly close upon the couch, the only space between existing in the negative spaces of their fingers, curling-uncurling around each other's hands. Fleeting touches that turned into bold caresses, tips of fingers stroking wrists and palms. Until Lisa's fingers froze. And Lisa stumbled to her feet, making excuses about needing to visit the library (after curfew) or being so tired she couldn't keep her eyes opened (they looked opened enough to Chaeyoung). 

In the art room, when they spelled each other with glances over the tops of canvases colored with Roseanne's various pieces of oil painted foods and Lisa's numerous drawings of fluffy cats. Glances which lingered. Glances which turnedinto gazes, connecting in the invisible spaces, deep and rich and real. Until Chaeyoung, drawn towards Lisa, took a step closer. And Lisa, eyes flickering with fear, took a step back. A shattered heartbeat later, and Lisa broke their connection, returning to her canvas, pretending to lose herself in her art, tensing each time Chaeyoung made a noise. 

On the night Lisa broke up with Niki -- two days after Roseanne ended things with Jungkook -- and they first learned to take comfort in Lisa's bed, their toes touching beneath the sheets. On all nights there after, when excuses and inevitability found them back inside that bed.  And Roseanne's gaze would flick to Lisa's plump lips. Or Lisa's gaze would flick to Chaeyoung's parted mouth. Their breaths would quicken into a waltz, until Lisa's breath dipped, signaling her next move. She'd dance away, rolling over  onto her other side, turning her back to Chaeyoung (even as she curled into each of Chaeyoung's curves).

 On every day and every night the space is not a space at all. Like tonight, when the girl with bangs stalked so close, they stood nose-to-nose, their shoulders rising and crashing in the cataclysm of words-still left-unsaid.I need you near me.When we're apart, the world starts to die.I don't know what's happening between us, why we keep crashing together. But I never want it to stop.I'm afraid. Afraid that if we keep colliding, one day, we'll burn in this inferno of emotions I still don't understand. It doesn't matter who speaks them. Or if they're ever spoken at all. Somehow, Roseanne knows they're truths that exist inside them both. So when Lisa stalked to her, the words burning upon her tongue, Chaeyoung closed her eyes and sighed.

 "I'm tired, Lili. Let's not argue, okay? Let's just sleep." She quirked her head at Lisa's bed. When she opened her eyes, the fire in Lisa's gaze had faded into darkened sparks. Sparks that threatened to set Chaeyoung aflame. 

"Okay," Lisa whispered, her voice kindled into an inferno that heated Roseanne inside-out. They took solace and found safety within Lisa's cool sheets. They took solace and found safety within each other. And now, there is no space between. There is the rain, dancing its rhythm across the glass. And Lisa's breath, a heated breeze across Chaeyoung's lips. And their toes, touching beneath the sheets. Their legs, twined together like lovers. Their hands,exploring places before unexplored. Lisa's fingers trace the skin of Chaeyoung's waist, whispering goose bumps across her flesh. Chaeyoung's fingers tangle themselves in Lisa's hair, savoring the brown-grey silk. 

And somewhere in the dance of rain and the waltz of breath, Chaeyoung's lips choose to explore, too. She pushes them against Lisa's mouth. Kindling a kiss that tastes like fire. And feels like sunlit warmth. Lisa gasps and pushes closer. Gripping Chaeyoung's hip, she tastes her, too. Tastes her with the tip of her tongue, sliding across Roseanne's lips. Tastes her, too, by sliding that tongue into the blonde's mouth. And gasping again when Roseanne samples back. Lightning flashes through the sky, illuminating the room. Lightning flashes beneath Roseanne's skin, illuminating her thundering heart. 

This. Holding Lisa. Kissing Lisa. Savoring Lisa. It's all she's ever wanted. 

They break the kiss, but not the connection. Lisa leans her forehead against Chaeyoung's. 

"Promise me we'll still be friends?" 

"Best friends." Roseanne nips at her nose. "And so much more."

 "Then kiss me again," Lisa whispers, stroking Chaeyoung's waist. Chaeyoung grins. And kisses her so-much-more-than-best-friend again, knowing as she does that they've finally collided. That they will burn in this inferno of emotions.Knowing also that burning isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes, when things burn, they are brought to life. 


A/N: Credits goes to Heart_Seoul_Soshi agaaaain cause she's one of my faves <3

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