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It's almost midnight when Chaeyoung finally makes it back to the room, fumbling with her keys in an attempt to be as quiet as possible. Everyone else is probably already asleep, and the last thing she wants is to get in trouble on a school night when she has to be up at half past seven the next morning in order to make it to class on time.

She steps into the room, closing the door as softly as she can, when the light flickers on and she jumps, hand flying to her mouth in order to muffle her scream.

"Whoops, sorry." Lisa's sitting up on her bed, blinking sleepily and looking the furthest from sorry she's ever been. "Why are you back so late?"

"Lost track of time at the library," Roseanne says, motioning to the stack of books she'd just deposited onto their shared desk. "Why are you still awake?"

"I was-" Lisa's interrupted by a yawn, "I was waiting for you to get back."

Chaeyoung softens, padding over to Lisa's bed and taking a seat, reaching over to run her thumbs over the curve of Lisa's cheekbones. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to," Lisa says, then mutters something under her breath that Roseanne doesn't quite catch.

"What was that?"

"I sleep better when you're here."

And, Chaeyoung thinks, maybe her mother was right. Not about finding a rich, powerful man, or living happily ever after in a big mansion, but about other things, like being careful about who she gives her heart to, and how falling in love hurts more than it heals. Because Lisa is looking at her with wide eyes and a happy smile and Chaeyoung aches with the weight of it all, the perpetual voice in the back of her head that's telling her that falling in love with your best friend is wrongwrongwrong, especially when said best friend is already dating someone else.

It hurts, and it hurts, and it will never stop hurting, but Roseanne just smiles back, standing up and tucking Lisa securely into bed, kissing her gently on the forehead and promising that she'll go to sleep soon, too. Lisa mumbles a goodnight before the lights flicker off, and Evie breathes a quiet sigh of relief.

Secrets, after all, are best kept in the dark.


The next morning, Chaeyoung is just sliding into the bathroom to fix her hair, the last part of her morning ritual, when a knock sounds at the door. Lisa, who's been ready for the past fifteen minutes, goes to answer it.

"Oh, Jungkook, what's up?"

"Good morning, love! Just came to walk you to class, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just gotta wait for Chae." Lisa leans back from the door, yelling toward the bathroom. "You ready to go, Rosie?"

"Ten minutes," Roseanne calls back, "but you don't have to wait!" They have different classes this morning, anyway.

"Don't be silly, princess, I can't go without you." There's the sound of shuffling, and then Lisa's talking again. "Hey, Chaeyoung says she'll take ten minutes, so we'll still make it to class in time."

"Oh, I have a chess club meeting I have to attend, that's why I dropped by early." Jungkook sounds a little crestfallen, but he perks up again almost immediately. "It's okay! I'll just see you during lunch?"

"Yeah, sure, see you later."

When Roseanne exits the bathroom, Lisa is sitting on the floor against the door, humming softly as she flicks through her camera's pictures. "You didn't have to wait for me," The blonde says, echoing her own words from the previous night.

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