My name

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'Please...please don't notice me'

As I chanted that into my head, apparently God wasn't on my side neither was my fate and the black bulky car stopped at a sudden holt and screech. The window wipers still moving backwards and forwards at an alarming pase. I finally took my eyes from the car and onto the man stepping out with his coat pulled over his head. The tall man stared for a minute but felt like eternity until he spoke a sentence that made my shoulders slump with relief as I hadn't heard it for so long. "Are you okay?"left his lips.        

The blood rushes to my head as I stumbled to the ground and my knees hit the cold gravel floor. Glancing up as the man had already travelled to my side to pull my sodden body up. His lips moved however no sound left them. It was strange that the rain harshly snaked onto my face and body but i couldn't seem the feel chill but instead a calming warmth spread through my body and filled my trembling bones. I felt for the first time calm and tranquil completely forgetting about the stranger that was pulling at my limbs to get me to stand. The echoing of his voice alerted my senses to react. That was when I felt his hands on me, one on my shoulders , one on my legs and I screamed. I screamed till my voice cracked and my heart hammered against my chest wanting to break free.

Jungkooks POV ~

The girl collapsed onto her knees as soon as I asked the question. The poor girl seem so out of ,just sitting there and staring into the darkness. I couldn't help but pity her and want to comfort her. I raced over to her and tried to lift her up, however I had no clue what this girl was doing out here in the middle of the night in the pouring rain but I knew it couldn't be good. I had so many questions but right now they could wait .

'What's her name'
'Where is she from'
'Is she okay?'

All these questions swarmed but they were silenced as she started to scream. When I say scream, I mean she had a pair of lungs on here for sure. I don't know what triggered it...Was is me?. She smacked her arms frantically at me and pushed me away without much force due to her tiny figure. I let go and she crawls over to my car tire. Her breathing was erratic and fast paced and could tell she was on the brink of a panic attack and for once I knew exactly what to do.


The tire of the car called to me so I moved over and huddled to it trying to find a sense of comfort. My lungs burned without oxygen as my throat was dry and scratchy feeling like sand paper was being ripped down it. I began to feel light headed and at that moment I forget about the man again who was I front of me. And that was when I heard his voice. Smooth and calm. Mellow and warm. And for once I began to breath like normal.

"That's it ...breathe in ....breathe out" he said
"I I I I'm ....t t t trying" I squeaked out in an attempt of replying
"Good girl, you can do it...I believe in you"

Slowly breathing felt somewhat normal to me and I sighed in a sign of relief. This situation was moving so fast that I didn't know what to do or how to act to this stranger. The rain had slowly began to stop and only lightly patter against the car and gravel. From my eyesight, I noticed the man was still in front of me and we locked eyes.
"Are you okay now" He said in a soft voice
"I I I I think so...thank you"
The silence was heavy and thick and that was when he slightly coughed and asked

"So ...what's your name?"

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