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"I guessing your Jimin?"


The look on jimins face was killing me when he shut the door. He looked so sad and now I feel bad. His crescent eyes had turned downwards and a frown was placed on his lips. I didn't mean to react that way however my mind jumped to conclusions when he just stared at my semi naked figure. Kookie was still holding me after I had got changed into his clothes and slipped outside of his bedroom. The soft carpet buried my toes and I enjoyed the pleasure of its softness. "I'm sorry about Jimin Y/N, I'm sure he didn't mean it" Kookie spoke whilst stroking my hair.

"Its fine I guess". After I had spoken, we turned the corner and there where his friends. Jimin was talking to his hyung and I immediately ran up to him. I don't know what I was thinking, more of a spur of the moment sort of thing. Placing my hand on his shoulder, he turned round. "I'm guessing your Jimin?" I spoke softly and his crescent moons were back to there usual shine.

Kookie walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and for once I tried my hardest not to flinch...but I did and he noticed. The boys seemed to not look when Kookie removed his hands and all I could do was look down.
'Y/N ruin your chances with the hot guy, well done'
'Stop flinching, your gonna be fine'
My head was jumbled with thought and kept spinning round when I smelt food. Good food. I noticed we had walked to the kitchen and was standing around the table. The tall guy with dimples spoke first, I think his name is Namjoon. "You can sit next to me sweetheart, if you want",the nickname made my heart flutter and I tried to not make it noticeable.

A slight push in the bottom of my back, I was lead to the seat in between Kookie and Namjoon. My plate was filled with egg, strawberries and toast and my mouth immediately watered at the sight. "At least someone admired my cooking" Jin said as he sat down and we all dived in. My taste buds exploded at the taste of the egg and a small moan left my mouth. Everyone around chuckled and carried on eating. Placing my cutlery down after eating half the pate due to feeling full, Kookie looked up and cleared his throat.

"So guys...this is Y/N, she has had tough night so go easy on the questions okay?" Jk said.
"Where are you from?"
"How old are you?"
"What's your favourite colour"
"You seem shy sweetheart"
The questions flooded the table and I calming answered all of them. "Well my names Y/N, nice to meet you, I'm from Y/C/N however moved to Korea 3 years back...um I like the colour purple and Yh I guess Im sorry". They all nodded along and didn't seem to care about the nickname that Namjoon called me.

The boy with the brightest smile had stayed silent during the questions and was giving me a stare. I wouldn't call it a bad stare but more of a stare you would give when trying to understand. He was trying to understand me. "My favourite animal is a pa-", I was about to finish if when he opened his mouth and a question slipped out. "Why do you have all them bruises luv". It was more of a statement then a question. My face paled and I notice Kookies shirt had slid down my shoulder, showing the dark purple that blossomed there.

"Its nothing"

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